Walk 15 – Teltow Villages Walk (48 km)

Hill "Rudower Höhe"

Hill "Rudower Höhe"

The Teltow Villages Walk, similarly to the Barnim Villages Walk, connects a series of villages. Starting at the lake “Krumme Lanke” on the Teltow plateau in the south of Berlin, the walk takes a zigzag route across the residential areas of Zehlendorf, Lichterfelde, Marienfelde, Lichtenrade, Buckow, Rudow and Adlershof. One hundred years ago, the Teltow Villages Walk between the “forest” Grunewald chain of lakes and the river “Spree” in Köpenick would have crossed rural regions of fields, meadows and little villages.

Canal Teltowkanal / Am Stichkanal, bridge "Knesebeckbrücke"

Today, southern Berlin’s land area is largely built up, and you have to take a closer look to discover the historical village structure. From 1962 to 1975, one of the last large areas of arable land was developed as building land to create the Gropiusstadt estate. This large suburban complex with apartment blocks up to 30 storeys high had to grow upwards since, given West Berlin’s “island” position surrounded by East Germany, no other solution was feasible at that time. The viewing platform on the Rudower Höhe artificial hill in the Rudow-Altglienicke landscape park provides a panoramic view of the region. The landscape park to the north of Adlershof also offers interesting views though, in contrast, the vista here largely comprises the unspoilt meadows of the former Johannisthal airfield..

Length: 47 km

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