Two-year basic funding (Basisförderung) to exhibition spaces and initiatives without specific location in the visual arts

The call for applications for the Two-year basic funding (Basisförderung) 2025 runs from January 13 to March 6, 2025 (subject to possible changes).

Due to the tense and uncertain budget situation in the state of Berlin, the results of the funding process (i.e. approvals and cancellations) will only be communicated after the 2026/2027 budget has been approved – probably in December 2025.


The Kreativ Kultur Berlin advisory center of Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH and the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion invite you to an information session.
Applicants will have the opportunity to obtain important information about the „Basisförderung“ and the application process. Questions can be asked after the information event.

When? Tuesday, February 04, 2025 | 10:00 – 12:00 a.m. (CET)
Where? Online. Please registrate via this Link.

The event will be held in German spoken language. A translation into English spoken language will be provided.

Eligible persons/Target group

  1. Exhibitions spaces (self-organized, independent spaces for the presentation and production of visual arts, with their own curated programming, which can also serve for production, development, and research)
  2. Initiatives without specific location (hereinafter referred to as initiatives; these are associations of at least two people who, without a fixed connection to a presentation venue and under their own programmatic name, implement self-organized or curated projects).

The funding programme is intended to support natural and legal persons. Individuals, associations and artist groups (GbR) are eligible to apply.

The exhibition spaces and initiatives have to be located and operated in Berlin, they need to present a distinct programme including events that are open to the public, and be dedicated to the presentation, production, development and research in the field of the visual arts.

Conditions of funding

  • a continuous, visible and outstanding work/exhibition programme in the last 2 years (2023 – 2025),
  • the presentation of a programme covering the years 2026 – 2027,
  • an art context that opens up for projects, discourse and activities by third parties (artists, curators, theorists, mediators)
  • for initiatives only: proven need for structural material expenses (e.g. rent for office space, additional service charges, office supplies etc.).
Funding will not be granted to:
  • profit orientated exhibition spaces/initiatives,
  • exhibition spaces/initiatives that receive (partial) structural funding from the Berlin Senate, Department for Culture and Social Cohesion.

Funding object

Funding will be provided for a period of two years.
The maximum application amount is 50.000,00 € per year.

Expenses eligible for funding :
  • structural costs (personnel and material costs, rent)
  • artists‘ and curators‘ fees (limited to 15% of the total amount)
  • minor investments for expansion, maintenance and equipment; construction work, which needs a building permit („Baugenehmigung“) can NOT be funded.

Only costs incurred in Berlin and connected to the basic funding can be covered.

Funding for three consecutive funding periods is not planned.

The basic funding is granted as project funding and usually as funding of shortfalls („Fehlbedarfsfinanzierung“), potential income (third-party funding, ticket sales, rental revenue) must be included in financing plans.

Application Deadline

Please note the current application deadlines

Application procedure

Please submit your application online together with all relevant documentation.

Please take note of the instructions in the latest version of the information sheet.

  • Information Sheet Basic funding in Visual Arts 2026/2027

    PDF-Document (202.0 kB) - As of: January 2025

  • Financing plan basic funding in visual arts 2026/2027 (in German)

    XLSX-Document (24.6 kB) - As of: January 2025

  • Recommendation for exhibition fees and minimum fees for artists (in German)

    PDF-Document (70.2 kB) - As of: March 2024

  • Information Sheet Basic funding in Visual Arts 2026/2027 - accessible

    PDF-Document (116.9 kB) - As of: January 2025