Funding target group and objectives
Berlin-based cultural institutions and initiatives can apply for the fellowships in 2025 (maximum duration is one year), and should enable the fellows to gain access to work opportunities in Berlin.
The fellowships for the target group, i.e., professional artists, are limited to one year and aim to facilitate independent artistic or creative work in collaboration with the cultural institution or initiative submitting the application.
Berlin-based cultural institutions and initiatives are eligible to apply.
In case of funding, the cultural institution or initiative (host) is obliged to sign a contract (grant, employment or other contract) with the fellow. The contract can be negotiated between the institution and the fellow depending on individual needs.
The professional artist must have completed a relevant professional education and have worked, or is currently working in art, media, and culture on a professional level. A proof must be submitted (application form).
Volume of funding
For each fellowship, a monthly sum of up to €2,500 will be paid for a maximum of 12 months to finance project-related costs.
Application periods
The fellowships are usually announced in the summer of each year – on condition that budget funds are available – for project realisation in the following year.
Application procedure
Please take note of the additional details given in the information sheet before submitting your application.
Attention Modification: Please note that a standardized financing plan must be used. You can find the sample financing plan (Vordruck Musterfinanzierungsplan) for download here on the website.