Current language: English

Application centre

Formular wird ausgefüllt

Applicants are advised to read and follow the instructions detailed in the programme flyer relevant to their funding programme before submitting an application for funding. The programme flyers and all other necessary forms are available for download on the respective webpages and through our online application service.

Out-dated application forms and programme flyers will remain online for your reference until a new call for applications is issued. For further information, please contact the relevant funding offices and advisers.

Online applications

Tastatur und Maus

The Senate Department for Culture and Europe has established online application procedures for many of its funding programmes.

For further information on using our online application service, please see our FAQ

Access our online application service

Written applications

Tastatur und Maus

Currently applications to the funding programmes listed below must still be submitted in writing. Programme flyers and application forms are available on the webpages of the respective funding programmes:

Application dates

Application dates

Details on application deadlines and other important dates are available under Application Dates (in German language). More information