Help us to create an art world more equal, diverse and inclusive at ODBK

Charisma - Die Freiwilligenagentur von Kirche und Diakonie

Beschreibung der ehrenamtlichen Tätigkeit

We are the Org for the Democratization of the Visual Arts ( ). Our aim is to create, develop and support projects to bring more equality, diversity, inclusion and democracy to the art world. With your help, we will make a real change in the art world and benefit thousands of artists and the art world community. We need volunteers: 1) to take care of our social media channels, to take care and increase our community. 2) Graphic design of the social media posts and some video editing. 3) Send emails and contact museums, curators, and artists and give the following to those contacts in order to be involved in our projects 4) Build networking with other organizations and art institutions to build partnerships and cooperation 5) Search and apply for potential funding. We stimulate the volunteers to work on the parts that better match their skills and interests in order to create an environment where results will happen due to the best effort of all involved.

Kurzbeschreibung der Organisation

Die Freiwilligenagentur Charisma berät, vermittelt und begleitet Ehrenamtsinteressierte. Für soziale Einrichtungen bieten wir Information und Beratung zu allen Fragen des Ehrenamtes und zum Freiwilligenmanagement.



Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt
Referat für Engagement- und Demokratieförderung