Current language: English

Basic funding for New Music

Target group / Purpose of funding

Funding is available to Berlin-based ensembles performing primarily in the field of New Music (contemporary music, classical modern music and sound art) which plan, develop and undertake independent projects within this field.
This funding programme was established to support the artistic development of ensembles based in Berlin, strengthen their artistic profiles, enhance their professional standing and heighten their visibility within the media and professional music circles, and improve overall employment in this sector.

Eligibility and conditions

  • This programme is open to groups which have won recognition for the quality of their work and are able to verify this with their portfolio.
  • Applicants must have gained public recognition for their work to date.
  • Groups applying to this programme should be capable of developing and performing (at minimum) two concert programmes in Berlin throughout the funding period.
  • The majority of members must live and work in Berlin.
  • Music theatre should not comprise the primary focus of the group’s activities.
    The following conditions apply to applications to the one-year basic funding.
  • in the two years prior to the application, groups applying to this programme must have independently developed and performed at least two concert programmes of a high standard in Berlin per year.

The following conditions apply to applications to the two-year basic funding track:

  • at the time of their application, groups applying to this programme must have independently developed and performed at least four concert programmes of a high standard per year in Berlin over the course of several years.
  • Applicants should be able to demonstrate that they are capable of operating at a national and/or international level.

Funding volume

  1. basic funding (1 year)
  2. basic funding (2 years)

Funding is available through the one- and two-year basic funding tracks to cover expenditure related to rehearsal sessions staged throughout the year in preparation for concert performances.
The structural funding track provides grants for the implementation of temporary structural measures conducted over a period of less than twelve months.

Call for applications

Calls for applications to the one-year funding track are usually issued every November for funding in the year after next.
Calls for applications to the two-year funding track are usually issued in November every two years for the funding period commencing one year later.

Application procedure

Please refer to the current version of the programme flyer (in German) for detailed information on submitting an application and the General Directive on the Funding of Independent Groups for New Music (Allgemeinen Anweisung zur Förderung von Freien Gruppen der Neuen Musik).

Please submit your application – together with all relevant documentation – online.

Submit an application online*