Information for examinees concerning the performance of examinations whilst complying with hygiene measures.

Bezirksamt Spandau von Berlin
[District Office Spandau in Berlin]

Service Centre for the Berlin Adult Education Centres
Central examination office

Status: Berlin, 11 May 2021 (Version 4, status 7 May 2021)

Due to the current SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, the central examination office of the Berlin adult education centres is obliged to observe special hygiene regulations during the conduct of language examinations. For this purpose, a hygiene plan has been prepared. By taking part in a language examination organised by the central examination office, you undertake to comply with the hygiene plan and also the generally applicable hygiene regulations.
We should like to inform you here about the most important regulations:

  • Duty to test: Under Section 9 (10) of the Infektionsschutzmaßnahmenverordnung [Ordinance on Measures for Protection against Infection] of 27 April 2021, only persons who have tested negative within the meaning of Section 6b may take part in the examinations of the central examination office. The persons listed in Section 6c are exempt (1. Fully vaccinated persons, 2. persons recovered since 6 months + first vaccination, 3. persons recovered since at least 28 days but no more than 6 months). This means:
  • Upon entering the examination venue, examinees need to produce evidence of a negative test result from a test centre or a PCR test which is not older than 24 hours. Alternatively, they can produce a certificate under Section 6c. Certificates will be documented. Examinees are not, unfortunately, able to carry out self-tests on the spot.
  • In the event of unexplained symptoms which could be associated with SARS-CoV-2 (e.g. respiratory diseases, fever), it is strongly recommended that you do not take part in the examinations (for your information: where a medical certificate is submitted later, you will suffer no disadvantages. In these cases, any examination fees already paid will be refunded.)
  • The staff at the central examination office as well as the chairs of the examination board (following consultation with the responsible staff at the central examination office) are entitled to exclude participants with such symptoms from taking part in the examination.
  • • Due to the regulations governing German language tests for immigrants, it is, unfortunately, still not permitted to wear coats or jackets. Through the necessary airing, it can become very cold in the rooms. Examinees should therefore dress adequately according to the weather conditions (pullovers, cardigans, vests, hats).

General regulations:
Disinfection of hands when entering the building.
• Keep the safety distance. At least 1.5 m – during the examinations and in the whole building, including sanitary facilities.
• All physical contact is to be avoided.
Do not touch your face with your hands (and above all, do not touch any mucous membranes).
• Do not touch publicly accessible objects such as door handles with your whole hand or fingers (use elbows etc.).
• Observe coughing and sneezing etiquette: cough and sneeze into the crook of your arm.
A medical face mask is to be worn in the entire building. This also applies during the written and oral examinations.
• No consumption of food in the corridors or other public areas.
• Avoid mixing with other groups (e.g. in the breaks).
• Restrict your stay in the buildings to the period of time necessary. Do not linger. At the end of the examination, leave the building without undue delay.

Examination-specific regulations:
• In order to avoid large gatherings, two to three separate sessions at staggered time intervals are planned per examination day (time frames). Please note the admission time shown on your invitation.
• In order to avoid large gatherings,* for most examination groups the room used for the written examination will serve both as the recreation room* for the breaks and also as a waiting room in the time between the written and oral examinations. In the Kolleg, the auditorium also serves as a recreation and waiting room for a maximum of 20 persons. The examination groups will wait here separately from each other in designated areas (waiting spots), maintaining a sufficient distance. Examinees may leave the room during the break to go to the toilet or into the courtyard.
• Following the oral examination, the examinees will leave the examination premises via a signposted exit.
In the entire examination building, the wearing of a medical face mask is obligatory. A deviation from this rule is permitted:
During the identity check outside the classrooms before the start of the examination: the examinees briefly take off their medical face masks, maintaining a sufficient distance (min. 1.5 m). Here the examiners are also provided with face visors.

We are making every effort to ensure that the examination conditions are as safe as possible. At the same time, our main concern is that, despite the new regulations, you are able to concentrate fully on your examinations.

We would like to thank you already at this point for your understanding and co-operation!

  • Information for examinees concerning the performance of examinations whilst complying with hygiene measures

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