Examinations and qualifications

Schüler/-innen in Prüfungssituation

All students should finish their school career successfully with the best possible qualification. The first qualifications are awarded after year 9 and 10. Those who continue can take the Abitur after 12 or 13 years.

General qualifications can also be obtained at vocational schools. If students do not achieve the qualification they are aiming for on their first attempt, they can obtain it in the second-chance education programme.

  • Examination dates at general and vocational schools 2024-2025

    PDF-Dokument (357.3 kB) - Stand: 30.04.2024

  • Examination dates at general and vocational schools 2023-2024

    for the Abitur, the school leaving qualifications after grades 9 and 10 and the qualifications of the vocational schools

    PDF-Dokument (500.0 kB) - Stand: 05.03.2024

Schüler/-innen lächeln in die Kamera


With the Abitur, all options are open to you - from starting a course of studies, a dual course of study or a demanding professional training. Weitere Informationen

Schüler bei Abschlussprüfung

Abschlüsse an den Integrierten Sekundarschulen nach der 9. und 10. Klasse

The school leaving qualification at the end of the 10th grade is a milestone for many students towards the Abitur or an entry into vocational training. Weitere Informationen

Schüler bei Klassenarbeit

Abschlüsse am Gymnasium nach der 9. und 10. Klasse

Anyone who goes to the Gymnasium earns another school leaving qualification on their way to Abitur. After the 9th grade the requirements for the certificate of vocational education can be met, after the 10th grade the intermediate school leaving qualifications are achieved through appropriate performance. Weitere Informationen

Junge Frau mit Mappe

Anerkennung der Berliner Fachhochschulreife

The university entrance qualification entitles you to study at a university of applied sciences. Anyone who has the left upper secondary school, college or evening classes prematurely without having passed the Abitur examination can contribute their accomplishments to the university entrance qualification. Weitere Informationen

Lernen in der Volkshochschule

Second-chance Education

The Berlin education system offers the opportunity to develop personally through lifelong learning and to respond to the changing demands of professional life. Weitere Informationen

Lachende Jugendliche

Recognition of School Qualifications

Your German or foreign school leaving certificates will be assessed by our certificate recognition office with regard to their equivalence to the Certificate of vocational education, intermediate school leaving certificate, general higher education entrance qualification and other certificates. Weitere Informationen