Aktuelle Sprache: Deutsch

Family and Children

Familie macht ein Selfie

Berlin creates spaces in which families and young people can feel comfortable. Our city offers funding and support – even in difficult life situations.

Kind mit Spielzeugfernglas


Whether a day care centre or child day care - you need a day care ("Kita") voucher from the youth welfare office for both. Our database will help you find a facility. Attendance is free of charge during the three years before school starts. Weitere Informationen

Hand mit Computermaus

Day care ("Kita") voucher

Children are entitled to a place in day care beginning on their first birthday. Since 1 August 2018 there has been a legal right to up to seven hours of funding per day without a family’s needs being checked. Weitere Informationen

Erzieherin mit Kindern

Quality in Day Care

The quality of early childhood education, child-raising and care is of decisive importance for the further life journeys of children and thus influences the future viability of our society. As places of early childhood education, day care facilities have a special role and responsibility. Weitere Informationen

Geldstücke auf Puzzleteilen

Financial Services

Financial services provided by the state are intended to compensate for disadvantages and to value parents’ role in raising children. Find out more about parental allowance and parental leave, child allowance and advance maintenance. Weitere Informationen

Hände halten Sparschwein

The Educational Package

The educational package is available so that children and young people from low-income families can also take part in activities anywhere. Weitere Informationen

Vater spielt mit Kind

Child-raising Assistance

Everyday problems and conflicts can occur in families. Child-raising assistance is a benefit according to the German Social Code to which parents have an individual legal right if the assistance is suitable and necessary for the young people. Weitere Informationen

Schlafendes Baby

Parental allowance and parental leave

Parental allowance and parental leave – these benefits give parents more options to organise the care of their small children. The legal right to part-time work gives fathers in particular the opportunity to participate in raising children. This significantly improves the compatibility of family and work. Weitere Informationen

Mädchen hat blaue Hände vom Malen

Child Benefit

The child benefit is paid to the person in whose care the child is situated. If the child lives with both parents, they can determine which of them should receive the child benefit. Weitere Informationen

Mutter mit kleinen Kindern

Maintenance Advance

No child should have to suffer financial hardship. In the case of single parents, the maintenance advance fund helps out if the other parent does not or cannot provide sufficient support for the child. In this case, your child will be paid an advance by the state. Weitere Informationen

Junge zeigt Daumen hoch und lacht

Child Supplement

The child supplement is granted for six months and begins in the month in which the application is submitted. As a rule, the child supplement is paid to the parent who also receives the child benefit. Weitere Informationen

Hände halten Scherenschnitt einer Familie

Parenting and Family Counselling

Parenting and family counselling is a free programme for parents, guardians and couples as well as children and young people. The counselling can be taken advantage of directly and can also be conducted anonymously on request. Weitere Informationen

Kind sitzt weinend auf den Boden

Child Protection

Parents have the right and the obligation to care for their child. If they fail to do so, community and especially government agencies must protect children and young people against neglect and abuse. Weitere Informationen

Bildausschnitt: Hände halten schützend Scherenschnitt von einer Familie

Support Programmes for Families

Berlin has a wide range of programmes to fund and support families. A major concern for the city is primarily early and needs-based support for families as well as for expectant mothers and fathers. Weitere Informationen

Mutter mit Kleinkind am Schreibtisch bei der Arbeit zu Hause

Early Assistance

Early assistance is aimed at all families who feel that they are overwhelmed in their current situation and want help and support. The early assistance programmes are preventative and voluntary. Families can take advantage of them without any bureaucratic red tape. Weitere Informationen

Mann verschwommen hinter Glasscheibe

Sect Information Berlin

Sect Information Berlin is a counselling centre on so-called sects and conflict-ridden programmes and was originally set up as a "coordination centre for sect issues". Weitere Informationen