Amt für Soziales Steglitz-Zehlendorf

Ladies and Gentlemen,

welcome to the homepage of the social office (Amt für Soziales).

We are unable to present all the information in your respective mother tongue. Nevertheless, we are looking forward to help you as best as possible.
The social office provides material help and counselling services for people living in the district of Steglitz-Zehlendorf. This is where you will get information regarding our tasks and services as well as counselling and aid from competent contact persons.

The social office is also in charge of offers in the cultural and recreational area. There are various opportunities for senior citizens in Steglitz-Zehlendorf to be active and to meet each other. Towards this goal, the district offers a variety of places where people can meet and come together. Information for senior citizens as well as a list of cultural and recreational offers in the district can be found in the brochures “Bei uns in Steglitz-Zehlendorf”, “Wir treffen uns as well as in the semi-annually published programmes of our seven recreational facilities
Senior citizens can find contact persons at the
elderly’s representation office (Seniorenvertretung) of the district, where the staff will be happy to take your suggestions and pointers.

Anyone who would like to get involved on a voluntary basis can contact, among other places in Steglitz-Zehlendorf, the volunteers’ agency Freiwilligenagentur (phone: 030-790 11 30,, e-mail: or the social office at the Lankwitz town hall, Hanna-Renate-Laurien-Platz 1, 12247 Berlin, consultation-hours: Tuesday and Thursday between 9:00 am – 12:00 noon (phone: 030-90299-6530, Ehrenamtlicher Dienst, E-Mail: