Creative Industries and Communication

Werbetext mit Geschäftsmann


The advertising industry is distinguished by its strong dependency on consumption patterns in private households which, in turn, reflect the general economic situation. In an economic downturn companies scale back on marketing, cutting the agencies’ advertising budgets. For example, in the year following the last global financial and economic crisis, gross investment in advertising fell by six percent. Advertising

Bemalte Hände mti Smileys


Germany's art market is diverse and varied — with a multiplicity of art sectors, schools, locations with a high density of artists and galleries, as well as key art trade fairs. Above all, though, the art market not only comprises the many visual artists, but also the galleries, art trade and auction houses, as well as the privately run museums and museum shops. In terms of turnover, the art market belongs to the smaller segments of the creative industries in Germany. Art

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Books are economic commodities as well as cultural goods. Authors influence intellectual discourse, while literary institutions are centres of intellectual exhange and debate. In 2012, 91,000 titles were published in Germany — slightly less than in the previous year, but still a significant figure. The number of translations into German is continually growing, with 11,500 new publications issued in 2012. Books

Hände halten einen virtuellen Ball aus Medien-Icons


For a long time, broadcasting was a clearly defined sector of the media industry with its own organisational forms (public service and commercial broadcasters), its own broadcasting channels and specific devices for the broadcast content. Digitisation not only overcomes spectrum scarcity the shortage of broadcasting frequencies, but also supports enhanced image quality (ranging from high definition to 3D TV). Broadcasting

ideen entwickeln


The design industry, with its diverse segments, ranging from industrial and corporate design to service and social design, is one of the key drivers of innovation in the economy. Directly or indirectly, nearly all industrial sectors utilize design-related ideas, concepts and approaches. Design covers a far wider field than just a product with an appropriate or appealing external form. Design

old film projector with dramatic lighting


In Germany’s film industry, around 11,200 companies employing 87,500 people generate a turnover of approx. 6.8 billion euros. Since 2009, the German film industry has increased sales by five percent, while the number of companies and employees has fallen slightly. In particular, the sectors of distribution / film sales agents, cinemas and post-production provided an impetus to growth. Film

DJ mixt Musik in einem Club mit blauem und lila Licht


Since the music submarket is very heterogeneous, it is difficult to generalise about the industry’s economic development as a whole. General statements tend to be only valid for individual segments. For example, those sectors of the market primarily aimed at exports and, in particular, the craft production of music instruments, were more susceptible to crises than the music trade or musical theatres. Nonetheless, it is still clearly evident that the music industry in total has recovered. Music

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Print Media

At present, with 360 publishers, the German print media market is the largest in Europe, and ranked fifth in the world internationally after India, China, Japan and the United States. The freedom of the press is a key pillar of the German constitution and guaranteed, together with the freedom of reporting, under Article 5 of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany. Print Media

The Status Quo

For many years, the creative industries have solely been regarded as a soft location factor. Yet in Berlin especially, the creative industries are a key hard economic factor, standing for growth and employment. Over the past years, as the economic data shows, Berlin’s creative industries have recorded above average development, even when related to national figures. The Status Quo