Economic Planning

Image: SenStadt
The Senate Department’s involvement in Berlin’s planning process seeks to integrate economic concerns into the different planning levels at an early stage. As a public authority, the Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research can exert an influence both through its formally regulated participation in planning procedures, such as land use planning or land and district development schemes, and its work in steering groups on the borough or Senate levels.
Urban Development Plan for Commerce and Industry / Development Concept for the Production-Oriented Sector
In 2010, in cooperation with the Senate Department for Urban Development and the Environment which had overall control of the project, the Urban Development Plan for Commerce and the Development Concept for the Production-Oriented Sector in Berlin (EpB) were revised and consolidated to create a new Urban Development Plan for Commerce and Industry (UDP Commerce and Industry). In this process, the Development Concept’s objectives and existing system of profiling areas remained unchanged.
The Development Concept applies to a total area of around 3,000 hectares of com-mercial and industrial sites in different districts of Berlin. Its continued importance not only secures these large connected commercial and industrial sites, but also provides for their future development.
The Development Concept ensures that sites are free from the pressure caused by changes in permissible use, and that companies interested in locating there can find suitably priced areas for manufacturing facilities and related services. It describes the site locations, infrastructure, existing use and specific features, and provides information on planning law. In this way, the Development Concept dovetails with Berlin’s other spatial planning policies for the economic sector.