European Fund for Regional Development (ERDF)

The European Fund for Regional Development (ERDF) is the European Union’s key instrument for regional development. The ERDF supports measures which strengthen economic and social cohesion in the European Union by correcting the most significant imbalances between its regions. To achieve this objective, regional economies are developed and structurally adapted, and cross-border, inter-regional and trans-national cooperation encouraged. The ERDF is aimed in particular at strengthening competitiveness and innovation, increasing employment through the creation of permanent jobs, and promoting sustainable development.
In the 2014-2020 funding period, Berlin is receiving a total of just over 635 million euros from the European Fund for Regional Development to stimulate investment in research and development and structurally relevant start-ups, support measures to cut carbon emissions , and encourage integrated urban development.
Until the end of 2015, it is possible to arrange parallel financing for projects from the funds still available from the 2007-2013 funding period. For the period from 2007 to 2013, the federal state of Berlin has a total of just over 875 million euros available from ERDF funds.
Our webpage provides comprehensive information on the ERDF. We present the Operational Programmes, provide details of contacts and financing, and show which publicity measures you have to comply with as a funding beneficiary, and explain how the EFRD works! The Project Map and Project Example links on this page tell you more about the funded projects. The Event Calendar offers an overview of where and when you can find out more personally or where, if you are an intermediate body, you can also obtain all the relevant information.