***Please scroll down for English version.***
Was passiert, wenn ich meinen Körper in den Raum hineinspreche? Kann ich ihn in einen alternativen Zustand überführen? Ihn entmarginalisieren? Seine Grenzen erweitern oder auflösen? Ihn vervielfachen? Ihn heilen? Beim Poets’ Corner Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg in der Bezirkszentralbibliothek Pablo Neruda trifft eine Beschäftigung mit leiblichen Themen auf ein Interesse für Mündlichkeit, Performance und Transdsiziplinarität. Der weibliche Körper, der mütterliche Körper, der Schwarze Körper, der versehrte Körper werden zu Ausgangspunkten eines Sprechens und Dichtens, das dort ansetzt, wo die Sprache immer schon entsteht – im Körper – und das versucht, neue Räume zu erschließen, in denen dieser sich entfalten kann.
Die Lesereihe Poets’ Corner ist seit über 15 Jahren traditioneller Bestandteil des poesiefestival berlin und wird vom Haus für Poesie veranstaltet. Quer durch die Bezirke treten Berliner Dichter*innen und Musiker*innen in einen Dialog mit besonderen Orten und machen die hier geschriebene und gelebte Dichtung erfahrbar.
Mit Goitseone Montsho, Kinga Tóth, Monilola Olayemi Ilupeju und Isasi Armengod Moderation Ivy Nortey
Die Veranstaltung findet in englischer Sprache statt. Gefördert durch das Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg und Neustart Kultur.
06. Juni 2023, 19 Uhr
- Eintritt frei
- ohne Voranmeldung
- Garten der Bezirkszentralbibliothek Pablo Neruda
***English version***
What happens when I speak my body into space? Can I transfer it into an alternative state? Demarginalize it? Expand or dissolve its boundaries? Multiply it? Heal it? At Poets’ Corner Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg in the Bezirkszentralbibliothek Pablo Neruda, a preoccupation with bodily themes meets an interest in orality, performance, and transdisciplinarity. The female body, the maternal body, the Black body, the injured body become the starting points of a poetic speech that begins where language always already originates – in the body – and that attempts to open up new spaces in which it can unfold.
The reading series Poets’ Corner has been a traditional part of the poesiefestival berlin for over 15 years and is organized by the Haus für Poesie. Throughout the districts, Berlin poets and musicians enter into a dialogue with special places and make the poetry written and lived here tangible.
With Goitseone Montsho, Kinga Tóth, Monilola Olayemi Ilupeju und Isasi Armengod
June 06, 7pm
- Admission free
- Garden behind Bezirkszentralbibliothek Pablo Neruda
Monilola Olayemi Ilupeju is a Nigerian-American artist and author based in Berlin. She graduated with distinction from New York University, where she studied studio art and social and cultural analysis. She is also an alumna of the Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture. Through painting, installation, moving image, writing, and performance, her practice confronts the insidious and generative qualities of distortion that are projected onto bodies. As she works through intimate subject matter, she also interrogates the broader political contexts from which these issues arise. She has done extensive curatorial and editorial work with SAVVY Contemporary and Archive Books, among others. Earnestly (2022, Archive Books) is her debut collection of writing.
Goitseone Montsho is a South African poet, storyteller, performance artist, and frequent collaborator who is based in Berlin. Her work ranges from the context of spoken word poetry, to museums, performance art pieces, to rituals for collective care. Her work has been staged in Gropius Bau, African Book Festival Berlin, and Time of the writer at the University of Kwa-Zulu Natal. In Basel, she participated in the Image Afrique Festival as both a performance artist and poet. She most recently contributed an essay to the collection Could this be Love? (S.Hirsbrunner). She co-hosts the Berlin-based English-language podcast Tanti-Table. Her work takes a critical view of social, political, and cultural issues. Often referencing African pre-colonial and future histories, her work explores the varying relationships between memory, heritage, reparation, and care.
Kinga Tóth is a linguist, visual-sound poet, illustrator and cultural manager. Tóth writes in German, Hungarian and English and presents her texts in installations and performances. In 2023, she is a fellow of the DAAD’s Berlin Artists* Program. Most recently: sandwich (zine, Message Salon, Zurich, 2022) Mondgesichter (Matthes&Seitz, 2022), “I roll you three times” (object-sound-video installation, MODEM Gallery, 2022).
Isasi Armengod is a duo composed by Isasi Isasi and Luna Carlos Armengod. Luna Carlos Armengod was feeling somehow trapped in the categorization of the different art disciplines, so in her search for new ways to express her work in a more complete way she decided to include music to her artistic practice. Isasi Isasi, on the other hand, felt the need to dig deeper into the artistic and conceptual world and look for new views and solutions to enhance his music production. So one could say that this project is an attempt to merge both the musical and the plastic world as well as to overcome the boundaries of both. An ongoing search for ways to express what needs to be expressed at the moment, without worrying about it not fitting in. Without worrying about it not belonging to a predetermined genre or art discipline.
The event will be held in English and is sponsored by the District Office Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg and Neustart Kultur.