
Bücher scannen
Bibliotheksausweis VÖBB

Borrowing with a library card

With our library card you can use the services of all public libraries in Berlin and the Stiftung Zentral- und Landesbibliothek (Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek and Berliner Stadtbibliothek).

Foto von einer Bibliothek Innen mit Willkommensgruß

Registration on site

Adults need:

  • an identity card or passport and certificate of registration
  • a proof of entitlement to reductions (e.g. student card, “berlinpass” or benefit certificate), if applicable
  • you have to accept the conditions of use by signature
  • the fee for one year

Children and young people up to 18 years of age need:

  • the signature of a parent or guardian on the registration form. Personal appearance of a parent or guardian with the personal documents is desirable. However, it is also possible to give the child/adolescent a copy of the documents.

Online Registration

You can register at the page This is only possible if you are of age and have a registered address in Berlin or the surrounding area of Berlin (tariff zone C).

The fee is € 10.00 and entitles you to use the services of the VÖBB for one year.

After registration you will receive a request for payment by e-mail, that will also contain your user number. After we receipe your payment, your account will be activated for the following services:
  • Use of all digital services of the VÖBB
  • Ordering media from

If you like to make full use of the VÖBB, please visit a library tha is a member of the Association of Public Libraries in Berlin and obtain a library card there. To do this, you will need a valid identity card or passport with a certificate of registration by the police. This will not cost an additional fee.

Please note that a subsequent reduction of fees is not possible.

Validity - notification of loss

The library card is valid for one year starting with the date of registration.

If you have lost your user card, please contact your library immediately to prevent misuse.


  • Registration form for children and young adults (under the age of 18)

    Nur zum Herunterladen und zum Ausdrucken geeignet

    PDF-Dokument (13.2 kB)

  • Anmeldung für Schulen, Horte, Kitas, Krippen

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    PDF-Dokument (513.0 kB)

  • Anmeldung für Institutionen

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    PDF-Dokument (515.1 kB)