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Results 1 – 20 of about 561000 for Ukraine

Brandenburg Gate illuminated in Ukrainian colors once again

Berlin showed solidarity with Ukraine on Wednesday by illuminating the Brandenburg Gate in the Ukrainian national colors. On Thursday evening (Feb. 24, 2022), the famous landmark will be illuminated as a sign of solidarity once again. more

More than 100,000 participants at demonstration against Ukraine war

On Sunday, more than a hundred thousand people took to the streets of Berlin to protest against the war in Ukraine. About an hour after the start of the demonstration, the police spoke of a number of participants in the lower six-figure range. more

Arrival: Important information for refugees from Ukraine

Ukrainian refugees can be granted war refugee status throughout the EU. For this you should report first to the Arrival Centre at Tegel Airport. At the Arrival Centre in Tegel, refugees are distributed among the federal states. This means that you can be sent from Berlin to another federal state. more

Information for refugees from Ukraine - frequently asked questions ...

If you were recognised as a refugee in Ukraine under the Geneva Refugee Convention or enjoyed international or equivalent protection status there, the Berlin Immigration Office will check on which German travel document you can be issued as a substitute, once you have made your online application. more

120 refugees from Ukraine arrived in Berlin

Earlier on Saturday, several hundred people had again demonstrated against Russia's attack on Ukraine. On Sunday, an alliance of trade unions, left-wing initiatives, environmental organizations and peace groups plans to take to the streets in Berlin. more

Online application for residence permits

People forced to flee Ukraine because of the war will be granted a humanitarian residence permit for temporary protection (Aufenthaltserlaubnis zum vorübergehenden Schutz) in accordance with Section 24 of the German Residence Act. more

Інформація для українських біженців

Інформація для українських біженців - Дозвіл на проживання: онлайн-заява. Біженці, які на тривалий час розміщуються в Берліні, можуть подати заяву на отримання цього дозволу на перебування відразу онлайн у Земельне відомство з питань імміграції (LEA). Додаткова інформація Зображення: dpa. Перші дні в Берліні: житло та реєстрація. more

Fiktionsbescheinigung (Fictional Certificate) - Service Berlin

Fiktionsbescheinigung (Fictional Certificate) A fictional certificate is issued when it is not yet possible to decide on an application for a residence permit, e.g. because. documents are missing or the foreigner's file is not available, an electronically applied for residence permit (eRP) cannot be issued prior to expiry of the currently valid ... more

Solidarität in der Krise – wichtige Informationen zur ...

Hier bekommen Sie einen umfassenden Überblick zu Informationen für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine. Ankunft: Wichtige Informationen für Geflüchtete aus der Ukraine | Прибуття: важлива інформація для біженців з України more

Medical care for refugees

The Berlin Charité offers a psychiatric emergency clinic for refugees from Ukraine. You can get an appointment by email or telephone at 030 209 69040. St Hedwig’s Hospital also offers consultations for refugees, which place particular emphasis on assistance with working through trauma and fleeing. more

First days in Berlin: Accommodation, support services and practical ...

Support in everyday life: Tandem projects and counseling services. Further information. You are generally not obliged to register immediately after your arrival in Berlin. As a war refugee from Ukraine you may stay legally in Germany without a visa for a maximum of 90 days after your first entry. more

Berlin Immigration Office

Refugees from Ukraine who are permanently accommodated in Berlin can now apply online for a humanitarian residence permit at the State Office for Immigration (LEA). more

Entry: Arriving in Germany, entry rules, onward journey

All people who were in Ukraine on 24 February 2022 are allowed to enter Germany without a visa and to stay on German territory. You do not need a biometric passport or Schengen visa to come to Germany and Berlin. more

Information for Refugees from Ukraine

After arriving in Germany, several steps are necessary for refugees from Ukraine to be able to find accommodation and begin working. The following graphic gives an overview of the process. More information. Image: dpa. more


Ukraine - Jobcenter Treptow-Köpenick. Leistungs­bereich. Ukraine. Direkt zur Kontaktinformation. Unterstützung für geflüchtete Menschen aus der Ukraine. Voraussichtlich ab dem 1. Juni 2022 haben geflüchtete Menschen aus der Ukraine Anspruch auf Grundsicherung (Arbeitslosengeld II) more

Перші дні в Берліні: проживання, можливості допомоги та практичні ...

Як біженець із зони воєнних дій в Україні ви можете легально перебувати в Німеччині й без візи щонайбільше протягом 90 днів після першого в’їзду до країни. Але якщо ви хочете залишитися на ... more

Applying for social benefits: the required documents and contact ...

Application for social benefits: Requirements. To apply for social benefits in Berlin, you must be registered in Berlin and have submitted the online application for a residence permit. To register, report to the Arrival Centre at the former Tegel Airport. more

Working in Berlin

If you are in Berlin without a visa, or are on a Schengen visa, you are not allowed to work. To be allowed to work in Germany and Berlin as a refugee, you need an appropriate residence permit (Aufenthaltserlaubnis). You can apply for this online in Berlin. Go to the online application. more

Arriving: the most important steps

Arriving: the most important steps. After arriving in Germany, several steps are necessary for refugees from Ukraine to be able to find accommodation and begin working. The following graphic gives an overview of the process. more

Course of the former Berlin Wall

An information and orientation system consisting of twelve pillars located at inner-city sites vital to the history of the Berlin Wall. Building and expanding the Berlin Wall Memorial at a historic site on Bernauer Strasse to make it the central memorial to German division. more