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Station Berlin Spandau

Neue FlixTrain Verbindung Berlin und Köln

Information about Station Berlin Spandau including connections to public transport and to the airport.

The train station Berlin Spandau is located in the western outskirts of Berlin in the Spandau district. The station is served by long-distance and regional trains and directly connected to the Berlin subway and S-Bahn. A journey from here to the city center by public transport takes about 30 minutes.

Customer Service Points at Spandau Station

There are two customer service centers of the Deutsche Bahn located inside Berlin Spandau station.

DB Information Point

The DB Information Point at Spandau Station is the central point of contact for information about your rail journey and a meeting place for travelers and station visitors. Here you can get answers about train and public transport connections and the city of Berlin.

Transport Connections at Spandau Station

Amenities at Spandau Station

WiFi at Spandau Station

The Deutsche Bahn offers free WiFi service at Station Berlin Spandau. Users have to switch on their mobile device and then select the network "Telekom".

Station Berlin Spandau on the map

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Hauptbahnhof Berlin

Arrival in Berlin by Train

Information on getting to Berlin by train and about arrival at Berlin's long-distance and regional train stations.  more


Last edited: 5 October 2022

Airports & Stations in Berlin