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BVG: Carrying e-scooters prohibited from May 1

BVG untersagt Mitnnahme von Tretrollern

A subway train arrives at the Museumsinsel subway station.

For safety reasons, Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe will prohibit the use of electric pedal scooters in the company's vehicles and subway stations from May 1.

E-bikes, e-wheelchairs and electric mobility scooters are not affected by the ban, the BVG announced on Tuesday. Passengers are to be informed via announcements, for example. According to BVG, the reason for the new regulation is the fire risk posed by the scooters. The association of German transport companies VDV had recommended in February that customers should no longer be allowed to take e-scooters on public transportation.

"The safety of passengers and employees is the top priority."

BVG wants to continuously monitor the further technical development of e-scooters and the situation in other cities in order to re-evaluate the regulation in the future. One thing will remain the same: "The safety of all passengers and employees is the top priority in all considerations."

Author: dpa/
Further information: Public Transportation in Berlin
Publication date: 25 April 2024
Last updated: 25 April 2024

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