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Taxi: Phone Numbers, Fares, Rules

Taxifahrer fordern fälschungssichere Taxameter

Information on taxi numbers, fares and passenger rights in Berlin.

Around 8000 taxis are on the road in Berlin. A taxi can be ordered by phone call, app, at taxi stands, or simply by hailing one on the street. Within the city area, price fixing is forbidden - the ride is paid via taximeter.

Phone Numbers of the Largest Taxi Companies

+49 (0)30 44 33 22 Taxi Funk Berlin
+49 (0)30 26 10 26 Funk Taxi Berlin
+49 (0)30 26 30 00 Quality Taxi
+49 (0)30 21 01 01 Würfelfunk
+49 (0)30 21 02 02 City Funk
+49 (0)30 210 10 20 EcoTaxi

Taxi Fares & Surcharges

Berlin has compulsory fixed price rates for all taxis which apply 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Within the city area, passengers must pay the fare indicated by the taximeter. Individual price agreements with the driver are only permitted for journeys beyond city limits. Price agreements must be made before the start of the journey, otherwise the taximeter price applies.

Regular Rate

Initial charge: € 4.30
Charge per kilometre for the first three kilometres: € 2.80
Charge per kilometre ffrom three to seven kilometres: € 2.60
Charge per kilometre from the seventh kilometre: € 2.10
Waiting period: € 39 Euros per hour (also applies for traffic-related waiting periods)

Fixed price option

Passengers can choose a fixed price before the journey. The journey is then not calculated according to kilometres, so that any traffic jams or diversions that occur during the journey are not reflected in the price. The option to choose a fixed price is limited to the Berlin city area.

Short Distance Rate

The short distance rate only applies if the taxi is hailed on the street. In this case, a ride up to 2 kilometres costs € 6. The short distance rate does not apply for taxis ordered by phone, app, or taxis at the taxi stand.


Group surcharge: € 6.00 per person for groups of five or more people in a large-capacity taxi
Payment surcharge: € 1.50 for payments made via the voucher or invoice system of the radio centers
€ 1.50 for all journeys from BER Airport

Taxi Fares to BER Airport

From the Western city center (Kurfürstendamm/Zoologischer Garten station): about € 63 Euros
From the Eastern city center (Alexanderplatz): about € 58 Euros

Paying the Taxi Driver

Passengers can pay taxi fares either in cash or by debit and credit card. Please note that taxi drivers are not obligated to accept all types of cards, so it's best to carry some cash. When making a cashless payment, passengers may be asked to provide some form of identification.

Taxi Passenger Rights


Unless it was agreed to take a different route, the taxi driver is obligated to take the shortest and therefore cheapest route to the desired destinated.

Choice of Taxi

Passengers are free to choose any taxi at a taxi stand. However, it is customary to select the first taxi in line since the driver has waited the longest.

Choice of Seating

Passengers are free to choose between the front passenger's seat or the bench seat in the rear.


Smoking is forbidden in taxis for both drivers and passengers.

Obligation to Carry

Taxi drivers are obligated to carry their passenger to any desired location as long as it is within the city limits. This includes BER Airport Berlin Brandenburg.


Passengers are entitled to a receipt for their journey, which can be useful for tax purposes or in case of lost property or fare discrepancies.

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