Introduction to two 3Rs Self-Assessment Tools for Research Groups & Institutions to Obtain a Realistic Evaluation of 3Rs Activities

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The 13th Webinar in the 3Rs training series, organized by the Animal Protection Commissioner of Berlin and the Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT), in collaboration with the Veterinary Chamber of Berlin, will take place on Wednesday, August 31, 2022, from 1 pm to 2 pm ET / 7pm to 8 pm CET. Dr Jessica Eddy from UK’s National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs)will give a presentation on two 3Rs self-assessment tools, one for research groups and the other for research institutions, which help to obtain an impartial evaluation of their 3Rs activities.

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Obtaining a realistic evaluation of 3Rs activities is essential for researchers and organisations seeking to assess or improve their 3Rs culture as part of their animal care and use program. The two 3Rs self-assessment tools are free-to-use, secure, interactive, online resources that are designed to allow the user to track, evaluate and benchmark their 3Rs activities over time. Both consist of a series of questions on the 3Rs, developed in consultation with the scientific community and divided into thematic categories representative of the breadth of 3Rs-related activities that can be undertaken by a research group or institution. Once a question set is completed online, the system scores the responses and provides bespoke feedback on how improvements can be made to further support 3Rs implementation.
There are a number of benefits to using the tools. Scores can be used internally to allocate resource and effort, and to focus discussions at research group, IACUC or other meetings towards the most important areas and topics. The feedback gives useful advice and examples, helping to ensure that subsequent 3Rs efforts are successful.
The 3Rs self-assessment can be repeated periodically and the results compared longitudinally, allowing progress to be tracked. Finally, scores can be used externally (e.g. in grant proposals and animal study protocols; or as part of discussions with regulatory bodies, accrediting organisations or the general public).
Overall, use of the self-assessment tools will encourage a more active 3Rs culture and assist in delivering on commitments to the 3Rs. Dr. Eddy’s talk will introduce the tools, outline the benefits to using them and guide people through the process of submitting a self-assessment.


Dr Jessica Eddy completed her PhD in Behavioural Genetics at Cardiff University (UK) in 2014. Post PhD, Jess obtained research funding positions at the charity Breast Cancer Now and then Cancer Research UK, where she managed a portfolio of grant applications for the Clinical Research Committee. Following this, Jess took up a role as a Research Coordinator at Imperial College London, before joining the UK’s National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) as a Regional Programme Manager for the GW4 Alliance in 2018. Her role supports the application of the 3Rs across the universities of Bath, Bristol, Cardiff and Exeter. These regional posts were created to expand 3Rs activities at UK research institutions and to provide dedicated on the ground support. Recently, Jess has been promoting the use of the 3Rs self-assessment tools, created to support research groups and research institutions to track, evaluate and benchmark their 3Rs activity.
Researchers and veterinarians who are attending the complete webinar are eligible to receiving a certificate of attendance. German veterinarians can obtain credits to fulfill the continuing education requirements.