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Museum Europäischer Kulturen

Arnimallee 25, 14195 Berlin-Zehlendorf

More information about the venue: Museum Europäischer Kulturen


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  • Address Arnimallee 25, 14195 Berlin-Zehlendorf

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Läuft – oder lieber doch nicht?

Menstruation is part of everyday life and yet it is not very visible: menstrual products have been developed for over 100 years with the aim of making periods "discreet". moreabout: Läuft – oder lieber doch nicht?

Sunday, 23/February/2025 15:00
Museum Europäischer Kulturen
Arnimallee 25, 14195 Berlin-Zehlendorf


Braiding is a craft practiced around the world that has not yet been mastered by any machine. The interactive exhibition combines experience, knowledge, innovation and stories about braiding. Who braids? With what? Why? The tour traces the development... moreabout: Flechtwerke

Sunday, 16/February/2025 12:00 (1 more date)
Museum Europäischer Kulturen
Arnimallee 25, 14195 Berlin-Zehlendorf

All Hands On: Basketry

Basketry is a cultural technique that is thousands of years old, practised worldwide, regionally distinctive and still a handicraft in the truest sense of the word. moreabout: All Hands On: Basketry

Flow: The Exhibition on Menstruation

Some 2 billion people in the world menstruate. An additional 1.5 billion have had or will have their periods. Nevertheless, menstruation is considered a taboo topic. moreabout: Flow: The Exhibition on Menstruation

Cultural Contacts. Living in Europe

Spread over 700 square metres, the permanent exhibition 'Cultural Contacts. Living in Europe' is the first ever display of a cross-section of all the museum's diverse collections. It examines discussions on social movements and social boundaries. The... moreabout: Cultural Contacts. Living in Europe

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