Current language: English

Ver/collect anti-racist struggles

An open archive

Kämpfe und Widerstände gegen Rassismus sind Bestandteil der Geschichte dieses Landes. Ob eingewandert, durchreisend oder hier geboren - Menschen mit Rassismus-, Antisemitismus- und Diskriminierungserfahrungen kämpfen seit Jahrzehnten für Gleichberechtigung und gesellschaftliche Veränderung.

  • Ver/sammeln antirassistischer Kämpfe

    Ver/sammeln antirassistischer Kämpfe

Struggles and resistance against racism are part of the history of this country. Whether immigrant, transient or born here, people with experiences of racism, anti-Semitism and discrimination have been fighting for equality and social change for decades. Their demands for participation and projects against racism and oppression have had a significant impact on society. However, their stories and perspectives remain mostly invisible and untold. Their knowledge, experiences and voices are instrumentalized or missing from the culture of remembrance and official archives.

Together with many people from East, West and reunited Germany, we have been working for some time to tell the stories of the struggles against racism and anti-Semitism. Together we are looking for new ways of collecting, processing and presenting.

At the FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum, an open archive has been created with the first results of this joint research. It is a collection of broken and found objects that will continue to grow during workshops and with the support of the visitors. The open archive is intended to become a debate space that brings together past experiences with present debates and struggles against anti-Semitism, racism and all forms of discrimination.

A cooperation project of the Georg-August-University Göttingen, the University of Applied Sciences Kiel, the Documentation Center and Museum on Migration in Germany e.V. (DOMiD) and the FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum.

Information and dates at

Sponsored by the Federal Agency for Civic Education.

Runtime: from May 2022

Takes place here:

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