Current language: English

Eine Frage des Materials

About urban ruins and natural resources

The exhibition A Question of Materials explores the meanings of rock, sand and rubble. It brings together three artistic positions that are dedicated to found materials and substances from the natural and built environment.

While land art pioneer Robert Smithson built a gigantic spiral of basalt rocks in 1970 and documented it on film, Lara Almarcegui's focus is on the visualisation of raw and built-up materials. Stefan Shankland has documented the natural and anthropogenic mineral heritage of the Spreepark and collected the materials left over from the demolition of former park buildings. By ascribing a new purpose and value to so-called waste, Shankland transforms these materials into art. Visitors can observe his characteristic artistic practice in dealing with the materials of the Spreepark live on site: The open-air studio RE.USE.UM (with raumlaborberlin) hosts construction workshops and artist talks. Shankland is developing two new works for the exhibition in the Eierhäuschen, including in collaboration with the scientist and designer Anna Saint-Pierre.

Participating artists: Lara Almarcegui, Stefan Shankland, Robert Smithson, in collaboration with Anna Saint-Pierre and raumlaborberlin

Runtime: Sat, 08/06/2024 to Sun, 04/08/2024

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