With the amendment to the Residence Act (AufenthG) on 01.03.2024, those with a residence permit for study purposes in accordance with Section 16b (1) AufenthG are permitted to work a total of 140 full working days per calendar year (see below for details).
This now also applies to study preparation measures in the first year of residence.
Do you still have a valid residence permit for study purposes with the stipulation “Employment permitted for 120 days or 240 half days as well as part-time student employment”?
In this case, you are of course entitled to take advantage of the statutory extension of the employment option to 140 working days for 2024. This does not require the stipulation to be amended.
Please understand that due to the large number of students, the Berlin Immigration Office will only amend the stipulations when the residence permit for study purposes has to be extended.
If your employer has any queries, please refer them to this website.