Current language: English

Service from March 21st at our locations

Dienstgebäude der LEA-Standorte Friedrich-Krause-Ufer und Keplerstraße nebeneinander


Since April 1st, 2022, the 3G regulation no longer applies.

However, we ask that you continue to wear a KN95/N95 or FFP2 mask when entering our office building. This is for your own protection and the protection of our employees.

Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, tens of thousands of people have fled to Berlin and many of them have found shelter in the city for the next few years.

In the coming weeks and months, the Berlin Immigration Office (LEA) will face the enormous challenge of issuing refugees humanitarian residence permits as quickly as possible. In addition to the service, which of course continues to take place, all human resources available in the LEA are used for this.

For the time being, however, it is unfortunately no longer possible to offer short-term express appointments in the online appointment setting.

We ask for your understanding and support in this special situation.

Overview of the regulations applicable to all departments and units at our locations:

Our location in Friedrich-Krause-Ufer

Department A

  • Units A 1 and A 5 (Syrian nationals and stateless persons / persons with undetermined citizenship from Syria):
    • Services are only available with pre-booked appointment.
  • Units A 2, A 3 and A 4 (People in an ongoing asylum procedure or with an obligation to leave the country):
    • The service takes place only by appointment.
    • You are in possession of a certificate confirming permission to remain pending an asylum decision (Aufenthaltsgestattung), have temporary suspension of deportation status (Duldung), a border crossing certificate, a supplementary sheet under Section 84(2) of the German Residency Act, or a certificate on the confiscation of a passport?
    • The certificate will expire in the next 6 weeks or has it already expired? Then please complete this online form on our website.

Department E

  • Department E is responsible for residence permits for family and humanitarian reasons, au-pairs, self-employed persons, participants in voluntary services or working holiday programs and holders of permanent residence permits.
  • The service in the units E 1 to E 5 takes place only by appointment.

Department R (Unlawful entrants with a certificate from the police or the main customs office)

  • Department R only serves Mondays and Tuesdays from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. upon presentation of a waiting number.
  • These waiting numbers are issued at our location in Friedrich-Krause-Ufer 24 by the employees at the gate.

Our location in Keplerstraße (Units B 1 / B 2)

  • Units B 1 and B 2 are responsible for residence permits for qualified skilled workers, education and training programs, school attendance, studies, scientists and researchers and their family members.
  • The service takes place only by appointment.