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Risultati 1 – 20 su circa 1610 per 영등포집성촌밤의민족4[katalk:za32]카카오 톡 상담 깜짝

Permanent settlement permit for EU Blue Card holders

If you hold an EU Blue Card, you will be issued a permanent settlement permit upon application subject to the following requirements: You must have been employed subject to compulsory insurance for at least 27 months and. you must have basic knowledge of German. più

Bluesfestival Berlin | Potsdamer Platz –

This year's Bluesfestival Berlin presents twenty concerts as part of a varied program with international artists. Twenty concerts over ten days and all with free admission at Potsdamer Platz! Among others, the artist are: Engerling. Mike Seeber. Eb Davis. Kirk Smith. Heinz Glass. Ulli Zelle etc. più

Residence permit for spouses, parents and children of foreign citizens ...

Your family member has a residence permit for one of the following purposes: employment as a skilled worker (with academic education or vocational training), study, in-service training and other educational purposes, recognition of foreign professional qualifications, visiting scholar or academic staff or. più

Überblick über die Flüchtlingsunterkünfte in Berlin

Das Landesamt für Flüchtlingsangelegenheiten (LAF) ist u.a. für die Akquise, die Errichtung, den Betrieb, die Belegung und die Schließung von Aufnahmeeinrichtungen und Gemeinschaftsunterkünften für Flüchtlinge, für Asylbewerberinnen und Asylbewerber sowie Ausländerinnen und Ausländer zuständig. più

Making appointments

New procedure for making appointments. LEA is fundamentally changing the procedure for allocating appointments with immediate effect. Appointments can no longer be booked via the previous Online Appointment System (OTV). più

Top 10: Berlins Most Visited Museums –

Top 10 Berlin Sights and Attractions. The Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie, Museum Island and more: A trip to Berlin wouldn't be complete without visiting these attractions and sights. more. The Institute for Museum Research of the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation annually publishes a list of the most visited museums. più

Pergamon Museum –

Designed as a three-wing complex, the Pergamon today houses three museums: the Collection of Classical Antiquities with the architecture halls and the sculpture wing, the Museum of the Ancient Near East and the Museum of Islamic Art. più

Brandenburg Gate

The Brandenburg Gate is one of Berlin's most important monuments, a landmark and symbol with over two hundred years of history. Hardly any other sight is on so many tourist selfies as the great sandstone gate in the heart of the city. più

Start - Berliner Schulportal

Mit dem Berliner Schulportal – Ihrem digitalen Schreibtisch – wollen wir Ihnen helfen, sich im Schulbetrieb der Hauptstadt zurechtzufinden. Pädagogische Beschäftigte, Lernende und Erziehungsberechtigte haben hier die Möglichkeit, Zugang zu verschiedenen digitalen Werkzeugen, digitalen Fachverfahren wie Lernplattformen, digitalen ... più

Bluesfestival Berlin | Potsdamer Platz –

Zwanzig Konzerte an zehn Tagen und das alles bei kostenlosem Eintritt am Potsdamer Platz! Mit dabei sind unter anderem: Engerling. Mike Seeber. Eb Davis. Kirk Smith. Heinz Glass. Ulli Zelle uvm. Umrahmt wird dieses Musikfest von Street Food, coolen Drinks und kleinen Fahrgeschäften für Kinder. più

Top 10 Berlin Sights and Attractions

The Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie, Museum Island and more: A trip to Berlin wouldn't be complete without visiting these attractions and sights. più

Course of the former Berlin Wall

Building and expanding the Berlin Wall Memorial at a historic site on Bernauer Strasse to make it the central memorial to German division. A site-specific outdoor Exhibition “Checkpoint Gallery” and the temporary exhibition “Black Box Cold War” as a preview to the planned “Center on the Cold War” at Checkpoint Charlie. più

Dienstleistungen mit Online-Antrag oder Terminbuchung mit ...

Aufenthaltserlaubnis für die Teilnahme an einem Freiwilligendienst. Aufenthaltserlaubnis für Ehepartner und Kinder von Fachkräften, Studierenden, Auszubildenden, Wissenschaftlern und Lehrkräften. Aufenthaltserlaubnis für Ehepartner und Kinder von Inhabern einer Blauen Karte EU. più

Public Holidays & School Holidays

Dates for all public holidays and school holidays in 2024 and 2025 in Berlin. Dates for the Easter holidays, Whitsun holidays, sumemr holidays, autumn holidays, Christmas holidays, winter holidays and public holidays in Berlin. più

Visit the Reichstag Dome with an Advance Reservation

Berlin's Reichstag dome is one of the most popular sights in Berlin. If you would like to visit the Reichstag and its dome, you must register via the visitor service. It was also possible to register spontaneously for a visit to the dome at the service office of the Visitor Service. più

Long Night of Museums

For the Long Night of Museums, a large number of Berlin museums and exhibition venues open their doors and give visitors the opportunity to view exhibitions, collections and installations as well as take part in workshops, tours and artist talks from 6 pm to 2 am. In 2024, 75 museums took part in the Long Night. più

Biglietti, Tariffa & Reti di Linee –

Informazioni su biglietti, zone tariffarie e mappe dei percorsi dei trasporti pubblici a Berlino. Con un biglietto valido, potete utilizzare tutti i trasporti pubblici di Berlino gestiti dalla BVG e dalle ferrovie - S-Bahn, U-Bahn, autobus, tram e traghetti. più


Mit dem Service Terminvereinbarung können Sie bei dem für Ihr Anliegen zuständigen Amt im Voraus einen Termin buchen. Dabei ist es unerheblich, ob Sie das online, telefonisch oder sogar vor Ort tun möchten. più

Terminbuchung in den Bürgerämtern

Eine Terminbuchung ist wie folgt möglich: online im Internet für unseren Bezirk: über die Standorte der Bürgerämter in Marzahn-Hellersdorf. (Nach Auswahl des gewünschten Bürgeramtes und einer bestimmten Dienstleistung gelangen Sie zur Terminvereinbarung.) schnellstmöglich einen Termin berlinweit finden: über das Service ... più