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New quarantine rules in Berlin

After seven days, quarantine can be prematurely ended if one provides a negative PCR or antigen test. Employees in hospitals and nursing homes require a PCR test and must be symptom-free for at least 48 hours. In Berlin, simpler rules for the Corona quarantine will apply from Friday. more

Berlin situation report: Incidence still above 1000

Thousands of new infections with the coronavirus are still being reported in Berlin. In the past seven days, the health authorities recorded 1100.8 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants, according to the Senate's situation report of Saturday (19 March 2022). more

Over 900: Coronavirus incidence in Berlin continues to rise

Since the outbreak of the pandemic, 388,590 people have been infected with Coronavirus in Berlin - more than one in ten inhabitants of the city. A good three-quarters of Berliners have now been vaccinated against Covid-19 at least once, 73.2 percent are considered fully vaccinated. more

1473: Berlin has highest Coronavirus incidence nationwide

14,087 new Corona viruscases were recorded in Berlin between Friday and Saturday, according to the RKI. This means that 451,648 people have been confirmed to have been infected since the start of the pandemic. more

Erstattung nach Infektionsschutzgesetz bei ... - Service Berlin

Die einschränkende Maßnahme ist umfangreicher, als das Verbot einer bestimmten Tätigkeit. Seit dem 13. Februar 2023 besteht keine generelle Quarantänepflicht mehr für Personen, die mit dem Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 infiziert sind. Zur Geltendmachung eines quarantänebedingten Verdienstausfalls für Zeiträume ab dem 13. more

Entschädigung für Opfer von Impfschäden beantragen - Service Berlin

Ein Impfschaden ist ein gesundheitlicher Schaden, der als Reaktion auf eine öffentlich empfohlene Schutzimpfung entstanden ist. Der gesundheitliche Schaden muss 6 Monate nach der Impfung immer noch vorhanden sein. more

Berlin implements new quarantine rules

A shortening of the quarantine is possible after seven days with a negative rapid test or PCR test. School students and daycare children can be released from quarantine as contact persons after only five days. In Berlin, simpler Coronavirus quarantine rules have been in effect since Friday. more

Bezirksamt Charlottenburg - Wilmersdorf - Service Berlin

Impfungen und Infektionskrankheiten - Beratung. Infektionskrankheiten melden - für Ärzte und Labore. Infektionskrankheiten melden - für Gemeinschaftseinrichtungen. Infektionsschutz umweltbezogene Beratung - Innenraumluftbelastung, Schimmel. Legionellen im Trinkwasser überwachen und melden. more

Significant increase in coronavirus infections in Berlin

More people in Berlin are reportedly infected with coronavirus again. The number of laboratory-confirmed cases has risen significantly since around mid-October, according to the State Office of Public Health. more

New Omicron vaccine available in Berlin from Tuesday

Starting Tuesday, Berlin citizens can get their next booster vaccination against Covid-19 with the newest vaccine adapted to the Omicron variant BA.4/BA.5. The vaccine will be available for people aged 12 and older at the Ring-Center vaccination center on Frankfurter Allee, several Berlin-based aid organizations informed. more

More Covid cases among Berlin's schoolchildren –

Phased plan for Berlin schools. In 659 of 675 public schools, the Coronavirus warning light is set to green. 16 are yellow, which means that the number of infections requires alternate teaching or teaching in smaller groups. more

Online-Terminvereinbarung bei Berliner Behörden - Serviceportal Berlin

Die elektronische Terminvereinbarung bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, einen Termin mit einer Behörde online zu vereinbaren. Berlin wächst in einem rasanten Tempo und damit auch die Anforderungen an die Verwaltung. Die Berliner Bürgerämter wurden personell auf diese Herausforderung vorbereitet. more

Coronavirus im Land Berlin

Antworten auf häufig gestellte Fragen zum Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. Digitales Impfquotenmonitoring zur COVID-19-Impfung. Was ist beim Tragen einer Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung in der Öffentlichkeit zu beachten? Aktuelle Situation akuter Atemwegserkrankungen in Deutschland. Umfassende Informationsseite des RKI zu COVID-19. more

2G Plus and stricter mask mandate: new Coronavirus rules in force

According to a decision made by the Berlin Senate on Tuesday, the 2G-plus rule will apply in such places, meaning that only people who have received their booster vaccination and people who are doubly vaccinated or recovered and can provide a negative test result will have access. more

Public Transport During the Pandemic –

Even though the Coronavirus is spreading in Berlin, the public transport system continues to work. Apart from a few restrictions, Berliners can use public transport to get around the city, although unnecessary journeys should be avoided at all costs. more

Informationen zum Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Handlungsempfehlungen, Impfung und Fallzahlen für Berlin: Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Informationen zum Thema Coronavirus (COVID-19). more

2G plus rule: exemptions for newly vaccinated and recovered people

Starting Saturday, additional exemptions from mandatory testing in the expanded 2G model or 2G Plus model will apply - such as for newly vaccinated and recovering individuals. more

Coronavirus Vaccination Centre at Messe Berlin

Pictures of the Corona Vaccination Centre at the Messe Berlin (exhibition grounds) under the Radio Tower in Charlottenburg. The third of a total of six Berlin vaccination centres was launched on 18 January 2021. Information concerning Coronavirus vaccination by the Federal Ministry of Health. more

Senat beschließt Vierte Verordnung zur Änderung der ...

Februar 2022: Der Senat hat heute auf Vorlage der Senatorin für Wissenschaft, Gesundheit, Pflege und Gleichstellung, Ulrike Gote, die Vierte Verordnung zur Änderung der Vierten SARS-CoV-2-Infektionsschutzmaßnahmenverordnung beschlossen. Diese wird voraussichtlich am 5. Februar 2022 in Kraft treten. more

News from Berlin –

The latest news, up-to-date information and developments from Berlin. The news are brought to you by the Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa) and the BerlinOnline GmbH. more