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The Red Folder

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The Red Folder

Theaterperformance mit Livemusik auf Deutsch, Englisch, Ukrainisch, Russisch (mit Übertiteln) Im Stück sind auch weitere Sprachen zu hören: Estnisch, Litauisch, Polnisch, Slowakisch, Ungarisch, Rumänisch, Bulgarisch

It’s a story of international family of three: mom, dad and little girl, who had to leave Russia and can’t go to Ukraine because of the war. It’s a „road movie“ of their few months travel through 10 countries of Europe.

The Red Folder - it’s a folder with documents, which each immigrant or refugee should collect on the way. So, it’s a true story based on documents of this family, but turned into the uplifting form of fairytale which parents telling their daughter.

This story isn’t about war, this story about people on the way, the people who helps each other, who making life better and actually running this world. It’s about you. Starting as an ordinary travel-story, it goes into the myth and talking about Human population in general.

Artists/Collaborators: Natalia Lapina, Witalij Schmidt

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Next date:
Das kann doch einen Schneemann nicht erschüttern
Friday, 24/May/2024 19:00
Altstadttheater Köpenick - Altstadtbühne/Vorderhaus
Jägerstraße 4, 12555 Berlin-Köpenick
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Volksbühne Michendorf
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