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P14 – Warten auf den Knall

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P14 – Warten auf den Knall

Lehmann, Wölbern

  • Knall


  • Knall 3

    Knall 3

  • Knall2


At this moment, it is summer and winter all at once. For a brief second, we are forgetting time. Looking forward to having fun, fun we paid for. To the thrill and the excitement we mustn’t fear. In a state of sensory overload stuck between popcorn and vomit, we freeze. Amidst a throng of people. Everything is turning round and round. This is where everything turns upside down. From flying high to facing real fear and pressure followed by the relief that we survived and weren’t killed in the gondola’s rollercoaster into nothingness at 100 km per hour. We keep falling forgetting where we actually wanted to go.

So, how was it? Alright, great, I’m glad for you! Now let’s move on, shall we?

Artists/Collaborators: Zoë Ade, Carl Bagnar, Emil Benedict (Technische Leitung), Amelie Boitz (Technische Leitung), Jasmin Erb, Gwen - Justine Maxi Kraft, Lotta Kulmann, Emma König, Charlotte Lehmann (Text & Regie), Veit Mahnert (Technische Leitung), Richard Lazlo Rist, Anaëlle Roy, Alina Sommer, Seedy Touray, Jakob Tuchelt, Vanessa Unzalu Troya (P14 - Leitung), Emilia Völker, Tessa Wyrostek, Joshua Wölbern (Text & Regie), Charlotte Lehmann (Autor/in), Joshua Wölbern (Autor/in), Carl Bagnar (mit), Emma König (mit), Gwen - Justine Maxi Kraft (mit), Lotta Kulmann (mit), Richard Lazlo Rist (mit), Anaëlle Roy (mit), Seedy Touray (mit), Jakob Tuchelt (mit), Tessa Wyrostek (mit), Charlotte Lehmann (Text & Regie), Joshua Wölbern (Text & Regie), Emilia Völker (Bühne), Alina Sommer (Bühne), Jasmin Erb (Kostüm), Zoë Ade (Dramaturgie), Emil Benedict (Technische Leitung), Amelie Boitz (Technische Leitung), Veit Mahnert (Technische Leitung), Vanessa Unzalu Troya (P14 - Leitung)

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