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100+ events

The network

How do information and communication networks work? How do they change our everyday lives? And: Why do we actually network? With many exhibits, the exhibition shows how we realize our desire for networking. These include, for example, the desk telephones... moreabout: The network


"Lifeworld Ship" - the exhibition at the German Museum of Technology lets you feel the fascination of seafaring. Let yourself be inspired by the close relationship between man and ship, between cultural and maritime history, and by people's desire to... moreabout: Shipping

Wind energy in the museum park

You can learn about the energy technology of the past and the future on a walk through the Museum Park of the German Museum of Technology. moreabout: Wind energy in the museum park

Robertina Šebjanič: Lygophilia

With a multimedia installation the Kunstgewerbemuseum is presenting the first solo museum exhibition by Slovenian artist Robertina Šebjanič in Germany. The presentation comprises a series of research-based artworks initiated by Robertina Šebjanič in Mexico... moreabout: Robertina Šebjanič: Lygophilia

Understand architecture

Five new architectural models in the Museum Nikolaikirche make the shape of the monument comprehensible for blind, visually impaired and sighted people. As an integral part of the museum's permanent exhibition, the high-quality 3-D models enable visitors... moreabout: Understand architecture

Bauhaus Infinity Archive

The Bauhaus-Archiv / Museum für Gestaltung is home to the world’s largest Bauhaus collection with around one million objects. Though only few of these objects have been exhibited so far, numerous digital images of them exist. How can we bring these unknown... moreabout: Bauhaus Infinity Archive

Schaudepot Bastion Königin

The idea of opening a Schaudepot (display depot) with unwanted objects from the culture of remembrance came about through “Hitler’s Horses”: two larger-than-life bronze horses from 1939 who came to the Citadel in 2021. The sculptures were too massive... moreabout: Schaudepot Bastion Königin

Das Prinzip Apfelbaum

Eleven personalities, including writer Günter Grass, violinist Anne-Sophie Mutter, theologian Margot Käßmann and politician Richard von Weizsäcker, talk about what they would like to pass on to future generations. Touching portraits and thoughts - a commitment... moreabout: Das Prinzip Apfelbaum


Pioneering achievements, adventurous air journeys, but also air war and forced labor: the exhibition "From Balloon to Airlift" uses more than 40 aircraft to illuminate the highs and lows of German aviation and combines them with the personal experiences... moreabout: Aerospace

Memories of the future

According to the Federal Statistical Office, 23.8 million people with a migration background live in Germany today. As a result of the Russian Federation's attack on the territory of Ukraine, around 1.5 million Ukrainians have become part of this number.... moreabout: Memories of the future

Tapestry of things

80 things. 26 collections. 1 multimedia guide. ∞ Links. VISIT ONLINE NOW at What connects a photograph of St. Mary's Church in Prenzlau with a rock sample of glacial till? Is there a common tool for understanding a crystallographic model and pottery... moreabout: Tapestry of things

The Tiergarten City Hall as a Place of Perpetration and Remembrance

The external exhibition space of the Mitte Museum in the Tiergarten Town Hall focuses on the period of National Socialism in the Mitte district. The annex is also regularly used for events such as readings and film screenings in order to be a lively meeting... moreabout: The Tiergarten City Hall as a Place of Perpetration and Remembrance

Forgive Us Our Trespasses / Vergib uns unsere Schuld

If the ‘norm’ has been inherently exclusive, is there a possibility that the ‘abnormal’ would be more accommodating? And what role can artists play in the imagination of the abnormal as a method? A trespasser, marginalized and excluded, does not need... moreabout: Forgive Us Our Trespasses / Vergib uns unsere Schuld

Imprisoned in Hohenschönhausen

The permanent exhibition "Detained in Hohenschönhausen: Evidence of political persecution 1945 to 1989" shows around 500 rare exhibits and more than 300 historical photographs on 700 square metres. moreabout: Imprisoned in Hohenschönhausen

Myth Germania: Hitler's Plans for Berlin

Albert Speer's plans for Berlin were not a utopia, but a concrete building project. As general building inspector, the architect designed broad axes and monumental buildings of enormous dimensions that were intended to demonstrate the Nazi system's claim... moreabout: Myth Germania: Hitler's Plans for Berlin

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