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Was will und kann jüdischer Journalismus in der Diaspora?

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Was will und kann jüdischer Journalismus in der Diaspora?

Philipp Peymann Engel u. a. • Jüdischer Salon im Grünen • Podcast

27.05._Jüdischer Salon_Bild

27.05._Jüdischer Salon_Bild

What does Jewish journalism want and can do in the diaspora?

A conversation with Philipp Peyman Engel, editor-in-chief of the Jüdische Allgemeine Zeitung

Who is the Jüdische Allgemeine aimed at? Is it primarily made by Jews for Jews or does it focus more on a general reading audience? What does a “Jewish” newspaper mean in terms of topics and the style of the texts? What place is given to reporting on current events in Israel?

The Jewish community in Germany is multifaceted and polyphonic. Does the Jüdische Allgemeine see itself as a chronicler of this diversity or does it feel obliged to the publisher, the Central Council of Jews? Does the newspaper reflect the various currents of the Jewish diaspora or does it see itself more as the mouthpiece of the Central Council of Jews in Germany? Is there room for controversial debates?

Philipp Peyman Engel has been working for the Jüdische Allgemeine Zeitung since 2012, initially as a features editor, from 2018 as editor-in-chief and since September 2023 he has held the position of editor-in-chief, for which he was awarded the “Editor-in-Chief of the Year” prize by “medium magazin”. His writings, whether articles, essays or books, repeatedly address the topic of anti-Semitism. A few weeks ago, his book “Deutsche Lebenslügen: Der Antisemitismus, wieder und immer noch ” was published in collaboration with Helmut Kuhn.

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