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Premierengespräch: Gods and Dogs


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Premiere Talk: Gods and Dogs

Gods and Dogs

Gods and Dogs

On a Sunday morning before the big event of the premiere, Artistic Director Christian Spuck and Dramaturge Katja Wiegand welcome you to the premiere talk. This classic format offers unique insights into the new productions, which often only unfold in personal exchanges with the artists of the team. There is an opportunity to sense the atmosphere that characterizes the exciting days before every ballet premiere.

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Vier Typen. Vier Mikrofone. Neues Programm: „Muss man mögen“. MAYBEBOP ist immer noch da, reifer an Jahren und unverbrauchter denn je. In ihrer neuen Show präsentiert die Band einen dampfenden Kessel neuer Songs: vom kabarettistischen Höhenflug zur sprachlich... moreabout: maybebop

Next date:
Muss man mögen
Friday, 07/November/2025 20:00
Kultur- und Festspielhaus Wittenberge (Großer Saal)
Paul-Lincke-Platz 1, 19322 Wittenberge
from €37.30

The Giant Mechanical Nativity Scene from the Ore Mountains

One highlight in the permanent exhibition at the Museum of European Cultures is the mechanical 'Weihnachtsberg', a giant nativity scene set in a hillside town that originates from the Erzgebirge, near the border of Germany and the Czech Republic, in the... moreabout: The Giant Mechanical Nativity Scene from the Ore Mountains

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