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Phänologie – Pflanzen zeigen, wie sich das Klima ändert

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Phenology - plants show how the climate changes

Garden tour with Prof. Dr. Anja Lindstädter, Botanical Garden of the University of Potsdam

Malva Sylvestris

Malva Sylvestris

Almost all plants in Germany have started budding and flowering earlier and earlier in recent decades. In spring in particular, the difference is several weeks compared to previous years, but there are also significant shifts in summer, as long-term observations have shown. A recent project to record such data is also underway at the Potsdam Botanical Garden, and the garden director herself, Prof. Dr. Anja Linstädter, will present it during a tour.

Cooperation event organized by the Prussian Palaces and Gardens Foundation Berlin-Brandenburg and the Botanical Garden Potsdam as part of the exhibition "Re:Generation. Climate change in the green world heritage - and what we can do".Translated with DeepL

Meeting point: Botanical Garden of the University of Potsdam, entrance to the show greenhouses, Maulbeerallee 2, 14469 Potsdam

Price: €6.00

Reduced price: €3.00

Booking: Registration required: 0331.977 1952

Alternative events

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Next date:
Sonderführung: In & Auf dem Weinberg - 2024
Sunday, 14/July/2024 14:00 (1 more date)
Orangerie Neuzelle - Stiftung Stift Neuzelle
Stiftsplatz 7, 15898 Neuzelle
from €12.50

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Stiftsplatz 7, 15898 Neuzelle
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