Current language: English

Multi-perspectivity in dealing with the GDR. Training for educators

Werkräume – Werkräume

Werkräume – Werkräume

What significance does the Palace of the Republic, which was demolished in 2008, still have today? How can different perspectives on such a place be categorized and at the same time presented in a value-free way? How can the living environment of children and young people be included and the desire to research encouraged?

Combined with a tour of the special exhibition, participants will learn about multi-perspective approaches. They will try out activating methods for critically examining different testimonies, analysis techniques for interviews and inspirational exercises in creative writing.

- free of charge

- Language: German

- Duration: 180 minutes

- Location: Special exhibition Hin und weg. The Palace of the Republic is Present (SAF 1, SAF 2); workrooms


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