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Nancy Holt: Circles of Light

Nancy Holt, Mirrors of Light I, 1974, Installationsansicht (Detail), Gropius Bau, 2024 © Holt/Smithson Foundation, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024, Courtesy: Sprüth Magers

Nancy Holt, Mirrors of Light I, 1974, Installationsansicht (Detail), Gropius Bau, 2024 © Holt/Smithson Foundation, VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2024, Courtesy: Sprüth Magers

Please book an exhibition ticket and come to the Gropius Bau’s foyer at the time of the guided tour.

Individual guided tours for groups can be booked via Museumsdienst: +49 30 247 49 888 or

Meeting point: Gropius Bau, Foyer

Price info: Also available as individual guided tours for groups.


The guided tour is free. However, you need an exhibition ticket to take part.

Booking: Also available as individual guided tours for groups.

Alternative events

Mies van der Rohe: Weniger ist mehr

Meeting point: information Price info: 15/10 € Teilnahmegebühr inklusive Eintritt: 15 €, Teilnahmegebühr mit gültigem Eintrittsticket (Jahreskarte, Förderverein, ICOM etc.): 10 €Begrenzte Teilnehmerzahl. Online-Buchung erforderlich. Price: €15.00 moreabout: Mies van der Rohe: Weniger ist mehr

Sunday, 23/June/2024 12:00
Neue Nationalgalerie
Potsdamer Straße 50, 10785 Berlin-Tiergarten

Masterpieces from the Ancient Metropolis

The Antikensammlung’s most important works from Pergamon and the 360° panorama by artist Yadegar Asisi lead visitors back in time to the antique city on the west coast of Asia Minor. The tour presents the history of the city and reveals the connections... moreabout: Masterpieces from the Ancient Metropolis

Sunday, 23/June/2024 14:00
Pergamonmuseum. Das Panorama
Am Kupfergraben 2, 10117 Berlin-Mitte

Brothers and Ghosts

- in English - Wo auch immer ihr seid is an invocation of the absent and the title of an impressive novel. At the heart of the story is Kiều, who grew up in Germany; her parents migrated from Vietnam. When her grandmother dies, it’s time to confront... moreabout: Brothers and Ghosts

Next date:
Wednesday, 26/June/2024 20:00
Ballhaus Naunynstraße
Naunynstraße 27, 10997 Berlin-Kreuzberg
from €7.70

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