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Discover Caspar David Friedrich's masterpieces (in English)

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Discover Caspar David Friedrich's masterpieces (in English)

In the exhibition "Caspar David Friedrich. Infinite Landscapes"

Never before have so many world-famous icons of the most important Romantic painter been brought together in one exhibition: Caspar David Friedrich's work is presented with 60 paintings and 50 drawings in a unique show.

Caspar David Friedrich, Das Kreuz im Gebirge, Detail, um 1805/1807

Caspar David Friedrich, Das Kreuz im Gebirge, Detail, um 1805/1807

The painter was rediscovered in the Alte Nationalgalerie at the beginning of the 20th century after having been almost forgotten for decades. Discover his masterpieces!
Participation fee including admission: € 20Participation fee with valid admission ticket (annual pass, sponsoring association, ICOM, etc.), entitlement to discount or free admission: € 10
Limited number of participants. Online booking required.

Meeting point: information

Price: €20.00

Booking: booking/prior registration essential

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