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Schreibsalon. Workshop für kreatives Schreiben für Erwachsene

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Creative writing salon. Creative writing workshop for adults

Besucher*innen schreiben ihre Erinnerung zum Palast der Republik auf – Besucher*innen schreiben ihre Erinnerung zum Palast der Republik auf

Besucher*innen schreiben ihre Erinnerung zum Palast der Republik auf – Besucher*innen schreiben ihre Erinnerung zum Palast der Republik auf

The Palace of the Republic, which has now disappeared from the cityscape, continues to evoke a wide range of emotions, memories and associations.

The Palace of the Republic as a narrative occasion - using creative writing methods, the workshop encourages literary exploration of the Palace of the Republic. Inspired by the exhibits and installations in the exhibition, participants will put their thoughts on paper with the help of short exercises.

The resulting writings can then become part of the exhibition and enrich it with literary contributions.

- Price: 18,00 EUR

- Maximum group size: 15 people

- Language: German

- Place: German Workrooms, 1st floor

Price: €18.00

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