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This three-day workshop teaches and applies the creative visual tool, “adamak- ادمک“. With the assistance of adamak as a visual/graphical script, participants throughout the three days will learn and perform Amleth. Amleth is a frame storytelling of Shakespeare’s masterpiece Hamlet, in the style of Persian Dramatic Storytelling Dance (PDSD), which was creatively reconstructed as part of Elnaz’ 25 years of practice and research. This type of dramatic dance has a long tradition in the Persian Empire, in countries such as Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, India and Mongolia. In storytelling, the narrative aspect of the story is conveyed verbally, whereas the dramatic aspect of storytelling is expressed through body movement and gesture.

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This three-day workshop teaches and applies the creative visual tool, “adamak- ادمک“. With the assistance of adamak as a visual/graphical script, participants throughout the three days will learn and perform Amleth. Amleth is a frame storytelling of Shakespeare’s masterpiece Hamlet, in the style of Persian Dramatic Storytelling Dance (PDSD), which was creatively reconstructed as part of Elnaz’ 25 years of practice and research. This type of dramatic dance has a long tradition in the Persian Empire, in countries such as Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Afghanistan, India and Mongolia. In storytelling, the narrative aspect of the story is conveyed verbally, whereas the dramatic aspect of storytelling is expressed through body movement and gesture.

Zusätzliche Informationen: Einlass: 09:30 Uhr

Hinweise zu Ermäßigungen: Nein, für diese Veranstaltung gibt es keine Altersbeschränkung.
Schwerbehinderte und Begleitpersonen: Nur über die Veranstalter:innen - bei Fragen zu Begleitpersonen:

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