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Tanz ist Klasse! On Stage

In May 2024, all those who have participated in a regular programme of Tanz ist KLASSE! will have the oppor­tunity to present what they have learned and worked on during the past months. At the end of the year, the students from the partner classes, the children from the children's dance or ballet classes or the OFF-Set movement lab will present their work in closed per­formances to parents, friends and acquaintances in the Tischlerei of the Deutsche Oper Berlin.For some students, special performances are on the programme, as it has become a tradition to enable selected partner classes a performance on a big stage at the end of the year. Under the guid­ance of dance pedagogues Elinor Jagodnik, Kathlyn Pope, Bettina Thiel and Stefan Witzel, the children in these classes have spent the school year exploring a theme, working on it in terms of content and dance, and developing choreographies that they present to the audience on the stage of the Tischlerei in the Deutsche Oper Berlin.

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Tanz ist Klasse! On Stage

In May 2024, all those who have participated in a regular programme of Tanz ist KLASSE! will have the oppor­tunity to present what they have learned and worked on during the past months. At the end of the year, the students from the partner classes, the children from the children's dance or ballet classes or the OFF-Set movement lab will present their work in closed per­formances to parents, friends and acquaintances in the Tischlerei of the Deutsche Oper Berlin.For some students, special performances are on the programme, as it has become a tradition to enable selected partner classes a performance on a big stage at the end of the year. Under the guid­ance of dance pedagogues Elinor Jagodnik, Kathlyn Pope, Bettina Thiel and Stefan Witzel, the children in these classes have spent the school year exploring a theme, working on it in terms of content and dance, and developing choreographies that they present to the audience on the stage of the Tischlerei in the Deutsche Oper Berlin.

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Thursday, 23/May/2024 9:00 (5 more dates)
Brandenburger Theater, Studiobühne
Grabenstraße 14, 14776 Brandenburg an der Havel
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Next date:
From the Lips to the Moon - tanzpol 2024
Friday, 24/May/2024 20:00 (1 more date)
Sophiensaele - Kantine
Sophienstraße 18, 10178 Berlin-Mitte
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