The Traffic Information Center Berlin (VIZ) recommends motorized road users to avoid the Tiergarten district from Friday afternoon. The first road closures will be set up on Friday, July 07 at 2 p.m. The streets affected are Straße des 17. Juni between Großer Stern and the Brandenburg Gate and Ebertstraße between Behrenstraße and Scheidemannstraße. On Saturday - the day of the "Rave The Planet" parade - further closures will follow from 5 a.m. onwards. Closed will be: Großer Stern, Paulstraße from Lüneburger Straße in the direction of Großer Stern, John-Foster-Dulles-Allee including Scheidemannstraße up to Yitzhak-Rabin-Straße, Spreeweg in the direction of Großer Stern, Yitzhak-Rabin-Straße, Hofjägerallee in the direction of Großer Stern, Straße des 17. Juni from Klopstockstrasse in the direction of Großer Stern, Altonaer Straße from Klopstockstraße/Bartningallee in the direction of Großer Stern. The closures will remain in place until 10 a.m. on Sunday.