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Rave the Planet

Rave the Planet 2022 (2)

18 years after the last Loveparade in the capital, its founder Dr. Motte is bringing the event's successor "Rave the Planet" to Berlin once again.

Under the motto "Love is Stronger", the participants of Rave the Planet are standing up for love, peace, friendship, solidarity, diversity, respect, music, sustainability and community. The organizers' demands include the recognition of electronic music culture as a cultural asset to be protected, the abolition of dance bans and the protection of cultural venues such as clubs.

Rave the Planet 2023 (8)

Photos: Rave the Planet 2023

In bright sunshine, the "Rave the Planet" technoparade took place for the second time in Berlin on 08 July 2023. The parade is considered the successor to the Love Parade and this year focused on the Straße des 17 Juni.  more

Participating Clubs, Labels and DJs

Numerous international artists are taking part in Rave the Planet in 2024. Among others, this year's participants include Westbam, Catz ’n Dogz, Cherry a.k.a. BreakNtune, Hanna von Beeskov, Hardy Hard, K-Paul, Tomcraft, Alex Stein, Basstronauten, Felix Kröcher, Isabelle Beaucamp, Paula Cazenave, Simina Grigoriu and Dr. Motte.

At a Glance

Rave the Planet 2024
2 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Straße des 17. Juni
17 August 2024
Admission Fee

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Last edited: 24 July 2024