Current language: English

Homeless people can get registered to vote in upcoming election


Homeless people can cast a ballot in Berlin's repeat election on February 12.

Eligible voters without a registration address who have resided in Berlin in the three months prior to election day can register in the electoral roll until January 20 at 1 pm. This information was communicated by the federal working group for homeless assistance on Wednesday. Those affected need to go to the election office of the respective district in which they spent the night of January 7 to 8. There, they can then fill out a written application, provided they have a photo ID.

Election participation for homeless people

"At first glance, the formal requirements for participating in elections do not seem high, but they certainly represent a hurdle for many homeless people without a registration address," said Werena Rosenke, executive director of the Federal Association for Assistance to the Homeless. Therefore, homeless voters would have to be supported in the election offices in the best possible way. In addition, there must be comprehensive information and assistance in the facilities of the homeless assistance to participate in the Berlin election, said Rosenke.

Author: dpa/
Publication date: 12 January 2023
Last updated: 12 January 2023

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