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Topography of Terror

  • Topographie des Terrors (4)
  • Topographie des Terrors (1)
  • Topographie des Terrors (3)
  • Topographie des Terrors (2)

This center for the documentation of Nazi crimes attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.

The site known since 1987 as the "Topography of Terror" was the central location from which the Nazis palnned and managed most of their crimes. Here, between 1933 and 1945, the most important institutions of the Nazi terror apparatus of the SS and police operated from the Secret State Police Office, the Reich SS Leadership, and the Reich Security Main Office. Partially destroyed during the war, rendered unrecognizable after the war by demolition and conversion, and eventually forgotten, this historic site was rediscovered in the early 1980s and gradually reestablished in the historical memory of Berlin and the Federal Republic of Germany. What had been a partial wasteland in the shadow of the Berlin Wall was ultimately transormed into a center for the documentation of Nazi crimes, and now attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors every year.

Source:Topographie des Terros

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Niederkirchnerstr. 8
10963 Berlin
+49 (0)30 254 5090
Opening Hours
daily 10.00 to 20.00, except 24.12./31.12. und 1.1.
Admission Fee
Admission free

Public transportation

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Source: Topographie des Terrors, Bearbeitung:

Last edited: 19 January 2024