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Brücke Museum


Außenansicht des Brücke Museums im Bezirk Steglitz-Zehlendorf.

The Brücke Museum is dedicated to the work of the artist group known as ‘Die Brücke’ (The Bridge 1905-1913).

Ludwig Kirchner, one of its founding members experimented with abstract forms, bright colour and perspective. The artistic break from the art of the academies represented the beginning of the German Expressionism.

In 1960 founding member Karl Schmidt-Rottluf donated his personal collection which was permanently exhibited in the small Bauhaus style building in the Grunewald area. With over 400 exhibits including paintings, drawings, watercolours, original graphic work, wood engravings and sculptures as well as archival material and craftwork from the artist themselves, the collection is the most comprehensive and enduring record of Die Brücke’s creative output and characteristic style.

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14195 Berlin
+49 (0)30 8390 0860
Opening Hours
Wed - Mon 11-17
Admission Fee
6 Euro, red. 4 Euro

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Source: Brücke-Museum, Bearbeitung:

Last edited: 22 November 2024