

View of the Shell-Haus on Reichpietschufer.

With its striking façade, the Shell-Haus on the Landwehr Canal is one of the most important office buildings of classical modernism.

The Shell-Haus (Shell House), one of the most architecturally important office buildings from the Weimar Republic, is located directly on the Landwehr Canal. This architectural milestone was built in 1931 and is particularly eye-catching due to its striking façade.

History of the Shell-Haus

The Shell House was built between 1930-32 as the headquarters of the Shell subsidiary Rhenania-Ossag Mineralölwerke according to plans by Emil Fahrenkamp. After the war, the building was the headquarters of BEWAG and was later used by GASAG. The building has been a listed building since 1958.

A façade like a wave

The façade of the ten-storey high-rise resembles a single undulating movement, as the corners of the building, including the windows, are rounded and the individual building elements are connected to each other in a unique way. The continuous bands of windows give the impression that this building only has a horizontal structure. Changes have been made to the Shell-Haus time and again. The two adjoining extensions designed by Paul Baumgarten between 1965 and 1967 have already had to make way for a hotel complex.

Shell-Haus Information

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Reichpietschufer 60
10785 Berlin
Style and architect
Classical Modernism, Emil Fahrenkamp

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Last edited: 27 January 2025