European and International Relations

Numerous European programmes offer opportunities to explore Europe, to become involved and to plan training and career paths in different EU Member States and beyond. In order to actually use the associated opportunities and possibilities, it is important to be regularly informed about European developments early on.

Junge sitzt am Schultisch mit Eiffelturm-Miniatur

Europe in school

Europe is part of everyday life in Berlin schools: projects and partnerships with schools in other European countries are just as much a part of everyday school life as competitions and the special offerings of the Public European School Berlin. More information



Here you can find dates for European conferences and calls for proposals easily and at a glance. More information

Internationale Jugendbegegnung

Youth in Europe

Europe also plays a major role in youth work institutions and international meetings. Numerous projects and activities are supported as part of the Erasmus+ funding programme. More information

Übereinander liegende Ein-Euro-Münzen. Im Hintergrund sieht man die Europaflagge.

Advice and support

Europe offers a wide range of programmes and exchange projects for young people. Apprentices as well as teachers. In order to really get started, however, you need good advice and information about funding opportunities. More information