Young Climate Collaboration Berlin

Bird’s eye view of Berlin with view of the 17. Juni Street, Tiergarten and Berlin skyline.

About YCCB

The Young Climate Collaboration Berlin > learn. claim. act (YCCB) is about getting together and getting involved!

The project aims to reach out to young international people between 18 and 28 years who want to actively engage in changing local climate politics. The central motto: learn, claim, act – all in collaboration with like-minded people throughout a variety of digital activities and events.

Set up within the framework of the Berlin Energy and Climate Protection Programme 2030 (BEK 2030), the YCCB will be focusing on relevant fields of action.

By the end of the first half of 2021, the final goal will be to work out demands and address them to politics during the Young Climate Conference Berlin in June.

The project’s goals at a glance:
  • LEARN: Practice-oriented communication of topics within the six fields of action of the BEK 2030. Creation of a common knowledge base about current conditions, successes and challenges within Berlin’s local climate context.
  • CLAIM: Development of own ideas, questions and needs in order to create a base for the development and formulation of concrete demands (claims).
  • ACT: Presentation of a series of claims that are addressed to political decision-makers. Creation of impulses for future engagement and willingness to act.
The core values are:
  • Participation: We want to open up a learning and communication platform in which young volunteers and experts can discuss current local conditions, successes and challenges within Berlin’s climate field, while developing their own ideas and claims for the future.
  • Internationality: The project language being English aims to invite and include international voices and provide a diversity of perspectives in the elaboration of ideas. Also, it facilitates the transfer and multiplication of promising ideas to other national contexts.
  • Sustainability: In the sense of a climate-neutral event management, sustainability and CO2 compensation are given a high priority.

Project modules

From March to May 2021, the project is dedicated to the aspect LEARN by exploring the different fields of action of the BEK 2030 in a practical way: A team of six young media agents develop their own ideas and improve their social-media-skills under the guidance of the communications expertteam from part while creating content for the project’s own Instagram channel @yccberlin. By doing this, they get the chance to dive into the local climate context and build up a network of relevant local initiatives.

During this period there will also be a variety of public events during the Young Climate Campus Berlin. Get ready to join and discuss with experts at the Climate Talks while focusing on specific fields of action.

In June 2021, the project is dedicated to the aspects CLAIM and ACT:
Based on the created knowledge throughout the Campus events, the Young Climate Conference Berlin will provide a participative plattform where concrete ideas for action and claims will be worked out and addressed to politics.

Berlin Energy and Climate Protection Programme (BEK 2030)

The Young Climate Collaboration Berlin is set up within the framework of the Berlin Energy and Climate Protection Programme 2030 (BEK 2030). The YCCB is a measure within the area of climate education being part of the field of action “Household and Consumption”, aiming at the participative implementation of the BEK 2030 in the local climate context of Berlin.
Against the background of the Paris Convention on climate protection, with the BEK 2030 the city of Berlin is promoting its measures on the way to climate neutrality and the defined goal of limiting global warming to no more than 1.5 degrees Celsius. In this framework, Berlin considers climate protection a cross-sectoral task. The BEK 2030 therefore contains around about 100 measures and strategies within 6 different fields of action in order to facilitate climate change mitigation and adaptation: energy, buildings and urban development, economy, transport, private households and consumption, and adaptation to the consequences of climate change.


By placing great value on sustainable event management, we follow the Federal Environment Agency’s (UBA) and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety’s (BMU) guidelines for the sustainable organisation of events (in German).

Though the YCCB events the programme are conducted in a digital format, we are aware of the impact these kind of events have on the environment as well, and have included measures to compensate that impact.

Our measures include:
  • Compensation for any occurring, unavoidable CO 2 emissions regarding the practical implementation of the conference, including the emissions originating from server performance for the digital parts of the conference
  • A paper-free, digital and sustainable approach to information material
  • Technical service providers that have committed themselves to sustainable practices in procurement, material and technical realisation


The project YCCB aims to encourage exchange of opinions and experiences and foster inspiration on the topic of climate activism and climate politics. In order to guarantee a respectful communal space for everyone, while maintaining an open and constructive exchange, we would kindly ask you to respect the following guidelines when interacting on our Instagram channel. Please also check our Code of Conduct with further guidelines for interaction especially within our events.

  • Respect each other!
    Please respect each other’s opinions and positions! Even if these might differ from your own ideas and views, treat other users like you want to be treated yourself when interacting. Insults, defamation, and personal provocation will not be tolerated. This also applies to contributions that glorify violence or carry discriminating, sexist, racist and/or xenophobic content. Comments of this kind may be deleted and users might be banned. Please note that sarcasm and irony can lead to miscommunication.
  • Stick to the subject!
    Comments should be related to the content of the channel/post and not contain any commercial aspects. All links, images and videos that advertise people, products or services will be deleted.
  • Protect yours and other people’s privacy!
    Please be aware of what kind of personal information you want to share online. Sharing personal data or sensitive details (addresses, telephone numbers, etc.) is not allowed. Please respect each other’s personal rights. Also please make sure, you do not violate the copyright of third parties. Content of this kind may also be deleted and users might be banned.
  • External links
    Please pay attention to the above rules when linking. We might remove posts with links if their contents violate the above rules.
  • Instagram’s terms of use
    The general terms of use of the platform apply. Contributions that violate applicable law and the terms of use will be removed.

Please be aware that the communication on the social media platform will be held in English. Please mind, that due to our international team structure, we can only reply to comments and direct messages, when posted in English.

Code of Conduct

Throughout our events we want everyone to feel comfortable, safe and included. Our goal is to provide a space, where we can mingle, exchange thoughts, ideas and opinions openly and in a respectful, constructive way – all together. So let’s make this an enjoyable and memorable experience for everyone, by complying with our code of conduct, which basically consists of the following principle:

Harassment- and discrimination free zone
We do not tolerate harassment or discrimination in any form. This includes offensive verbal or written comments related to gender, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, race, ethnicity, provenance, religion, age. It also includes inappropriate use of nudity and/or sexual images (including presentation slides); inappropriate depictions of violence (including presentation slides), deliberate intimidation, stalking; photography or recording without consent; sustained disruption of talks or other events; and unwelcome sexual attention.
Our crew will implement this policy throughout the events. People who violate these rules and who are not willing to cooperate may be expelled from the events.
In case you find yourself in an uncomfortable situation during one of the events, there will be designated staff which you can reach out to via mail:

