Aktuelle Sprache: Deutsch

Yoga Magic - DNA Art Club

"The gentle spring rain permeates the soil of my soul.
A seed that has lain deeply in the earth for many years just smiles." - Thich Nhat Hanh THE SPA & DNA. present "Yoga Magic for the Soul" We are all artists at heart, and this class serves as a gentle reminder while bringing harmony and wealth into Your life. It guides You on a transformative journey, allowing You to find peace through art and movement.

Its a Trip, its a Journey *powered by THE SPA In a gentle way, accessible to Everyone, we will breath, smile, dream and move. Together. What do You need: Yoga Mat Scarf or sleeping mask to cover your eyes during meditation is recommended. Level: All levels are warmly welcome.

With every pose there are multiple options; modifications to your personal bodies physique will be offered.

Included in Prize: 1. Dance Class 2. Water 3. Free Guest List Ticket to DNA. Art Show "Date & Art" at that Friday

Laufzeit: Fr, 03.05.2024 bis Fr, 23.08.2024


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