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Weekend Tips: What to Do This Weekend in Berlin –

We've got you covered with the line-up of top tips for locals and visitors to enjoy your Friday, Saturday and Sunday in the capital. All events are suitable for non-German speakers. plus

Brandenburg Gate

Berlin owes the Brandenburg Gate to King Frederick William II, who had commissioned the large sandstone gate as a dignified conclusion of the magnificent boulevard Unter den Linden. The gate is widely considered one of the most beautiful buildings of classicism. plus

Buses & Bus Routes

Metro Buses. The MetroBus network in Berlin includes a number of express buses that serve the most important stops of Berlin's urban center. You can recognize these express bus lines by the letter M. The MetroBus lines M11 to M85 run 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in ten-minute intervals. plus

Events & Culture in Berlin –

There's never a dull moment in Berlin! From art events to folk festivals, from film festivals to gallery tours, from the Carnival of Cultures to the New Year's Eve party at the Brandenburg Gate: Berlin's cultural program attracts visitors with exciting events all year round. Discover the highlights of Berlin's cultural calendar: events ... plus

Einbürgerung - Zum Einbürgerungstest anmelden - Service Berlin

Anmeldung zum Einbürgerungstest. Füllen Sie den Teilnehmerbogen aus, geben ihn bei der VHS ab. Das notwendige Formular wird von der Volkshochschule während der Beratung zur Verfügung gestellt und bei der Beratung ausgefüllt. Ein gültiges Ausweisdokument. plus

Tickets, Fares and Route Maps –

24-Hour Single Ticket A 24-hour ticket allows one passenger to travel during 24 hours for as many trips as desired. Transportation fares for up to three children aged six to fourteen are included in the ticket price. plus

Residence permit for spouses, parents and children of foreign citizens ...

Issuance or extension of a residence permit for. Spouses or life partners of the same sex of foreign residents with a valid residence title,; Under-age, unmarried children of foreign residents with a valid residence title,; Parents of foreign children with a residence title pursuant to § 23 para. 4, § 25 para. 1, § 25 para. 2 sentence 1, 1st alternative or § 26 para. 3, if no parent with ... plus

Visit the Reichstag Dome with an Advance Reservation

Visitors need to pre-register in order to see the dome of the Reichstag building in Berlin. Berlin's Reichstag dome is one of the most popular sights in Berlin. If you would like to visit the Reichstag and its dome, you must register via the visitor service. plus

Gendarmenmarkt –

The Gendarmenmarkt square is best known for the building trio that frames it: the German the and French Cathedrals and the Konzerthaus (concert hall). Together, they form one of the most stunning architectural ensembles in Berlin. plus

Verleihung der deutschen Staatsangehörigkeit beantragen - Service Berlin

aktuell in Vollzeit erwerbstätig sind und dies innerhalb der letzten 24 Monate mindestens 20 Monate waren oder; als Ehegatte oder eingetragener Lebenspartner mit einer in Vollzeit erwerbstätigen Person und einem minderjährigen Kind in familiärer Gemeinschaft leben. Sie haben keine Vorstrafen oder ein offenes Ermittlungsverfahren Sie wurden nicht zu Geldstrafen über 90 Tagessätzen oder ... plus

Attractions & Sights –

Top 10 Berlin Sights and Attractions. The Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie, Museum Island and more: A trip to Berlin wouldn't be complete without visiting these attractions and sights. more. © dpa. A-Z: All Attractions and Sights. From Alexanderplatz to Zoo: the most important attractions and sights in Berlin from A to Z. more. © dpa. plus

Tram & Metrotram –

Routes, timetables, fares and more information on the Berlin tram network. There are more than 20 streetcar lines in Berlin, marked with the symbol "Tram". They mainly serve the eastern part of Berlin, where they supplement the subway route network. plus

Long Night of Museums

For the Long Night of Museums, a large number of Berlin museums and exhibition venues open their doors and give visitors the opportunity to view exhibitions, collections and installations as well as take part in workshops, tours and artist talks from 6 pm to 2 am. In 2024, 75 museums took part in the Long Night. plus

Museum Island

Museum Island Berlin. Book tickets online. Right in the heart of Berlin, nestled between the Spree River and the Spree Canal, lies the world-famous Museum Island. Every year, millions of visitors come to see the five museums, whose spectrum of collections ranges from prehistory to 19th century art. plus

Oktoberfest on Alexanderplatz –

The center of the Oktoberfest at Alexanderplatz is a large festival tent with authentic live music. There is also an open-air beer garden and lots of Bavarian specialities such as pork knuckles, Brez'n, roast pork and chicken, and sweet treats. plus

Exhibitions in Berlin –

Exhibitions in Berlin. © The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. An overview of the best current museum, art and photography exhibitions at Berlin's top museums, galleries and event venues. Preview: Upcoming Exhibitions ». Highlights: Must-See Exhibitions in 2024 ». plus

Public Swimming Pools in Berlin –

Whether you're looking for a swimming pool for your daily workout or a place to relax amid beautiful archiecture, Berlin has the right indoor swimming pool for you. This list gives an overview of indoor pools in Berlin with addresses and opening hours. more. © Andy Krügerke. Outdoor Swimming Pools. plus

Termin vereinbaren

Informationen zur Buchung oder Vereinbarung von Terminen im Landesamt für Einwanderung für die Beantragung oder Verlängerung von Aufenthaltstiteln. plus

Visum zum Nachzug von Ehepartnern, Eltern und Kindern

Allgemeines zum Nachzug von Familienangehörigen. Das Visumverfahren läuft wie folgt: Das Visum muss bei der deutschen Auslandsvertretung im Herkunftsland vor der Einreise beantragt werden. Die Auslandsvertretung nimmt den Visumantrag entgegen und übersendet ihn an die örtlich zuständige Ausländerbehörde. plus

Kontakt zu den Abteilungen A, B und E (Aufenthaltsrecht)

Bitte wenden Sie sich an das zuständige Referat. Beachten Sie dabei: Die Zuständigkeit richtet sich in der Regel nach der Staatsangehörigkeit. In einigen Fällen ist die Staatsangehörigkeit egal, zum Beispiel für: Asyl und Duldung (Referate A 2, A 3 und A 4) plus