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Reisepass vergessen? Die Bundespolizei am Frankfurter Flughafen kann deutschen Passagieren in vielen Fällen einen Passersatz ausstellen. Foto: Matthias Balk/dpa
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Visa, visa fees and entry requirements for a trip to Berlin in Germany.
Berlin visitors arriving at a Berlin airport from a foreign country need a passport. EU nationals do not need a visa, others may need one depending on the length, frequency and purpose of their stays.
EU nationals do not require a visa to enter the Federal Republic of Germany.
Generally speaking, nationals of all states outside of the EU need a visa to enter Germany or Berlin. For some states, the EU has lifted the visa requirement. Nationals of these states do not need a visa for visits of up to 90 days.
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Find and book your ideal hotel in Berlin - fast, comfortable and safe. more
The fee for Schengen visas is EUR 80, the fee for national visas is EUR 75. Exemptions may be possible. For more information check here:
When entering Germany from countries outside the EU, it should be noted that only a certain amount of goods may be imported tax-free. Customs will inform you about the permitted quantity of goods and other regulations.